
A tiny PHP framework for when you just want to dash out a handful of hand coded pages.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This system is not meant to do everything. It is meant to do one thing efficiently.

quickie-page-framework exists to make generating pages easier by taking care of everything that is not the content. That said, this can be extended easily.

quickie-page-framework is event driven so modules can subscribe to events. To add a module, simple add its root file to your boot.php. Like this


by default, modules are searched for in inc/modules/. The module name is the module file name less the .php.

Subscribe a module to events like this:

    M()->register_callback('post_head', 'my_function');

    function my_function(){
        // your code here

or this:

    M()->register_callback('post_head', array('my_class','my_function'));
    class my_class {
        public function my_function(){
            // your code here

Standard events

  • set_the_title - just after the title is set

  • pre_[themefilename]

  • post_[themefilename]

Fires before and after a theme file is called. The first two are liekly to be pre_head and post_head.

  • head

The head event fires when the header is loaded. Ideal for adding meta tags, CSS, and the like.

  • body - when the theme body loads
  • body_main - inside the <main> tag
  • script - after the HTML where well behaved script should go
  • end - after </html>

Folder structure:

    |   |
    |   +-[modules]
    |   +-[theme]

Media is where the framework expects the style.css file to be. It is also a good place to put images, JS, and so forth. An empty index.html might be an idea too.