


Install mvcs and its dependencies:

$ poetry install

Run tests and code analysis:

$ poetry run pytest --mypy --pylint


Write a clip.yaml file describing where to find the OBS recordings, where to save the clips to, and provide a list of source videos and the clips that should be created. Run with mvcs --help for detailed CLI usage.

Example YAML

Here is a sample clip.yaml.

# Absolute path to the OBS recording directory (source videos)
video-dir: "c:/OBS Captures"

# Absolute path to the directory to save clips to (must already exist)
output-dir: "c:/OBS Clips"

# List of source videos (identified by timestamp-based naming convention)
  - date: "2020-01-01T00:00:00"
    # Virtual "start" time in the source video (for output filename)
    epoch: "0"

    # Base title for all clips (for output filename)
    title: "video 1"

    # List of clips to create
      - time: "0 - 5:00"
        title: "first five minutes of the video"
      - time: "1:30:00 - 1:30:01"
        title: "one second long"

  - date: "2020-01-02T00:00:00"
    epoch: "15"
    title: "video 2"
      - time: "0 - 15"
        title: "before the epoch"
      - time: "15 - 30"
        title: "on the epoch"
      - time: "30 - 45"
        title: "after the epoch"

This file references two source videos:

  1. c:/OBS Captures/2020-01-01 00-00-00.mkv
  2. c:/OBS Captures/2020-01-02 01-00-00.mkv

From these, it will create five clips:

  1. c:/OBS Clips/2020-01-01 00-00-00 - t+0h00m00s - video 1 - first five minutes of the video.mkv
  2. c:/OBS Clips/2020-01-01 00-00-00 - t+1h30m00s - video 1 - one second long.mkv
  3. c:/OBS Clips/2020-01-02 00-00-15 - t+0h00m00s - video 2 - before the epoch.mkv
  4. c:/OBS Clips/2020-01-02 00-00-15 - t+0h00m00s - video 2 - on the epoch.mkv
  5. c:/OBS Clips/2020-01-02 00-00-15 - t+0h00m15s - video 2 - after the epoch.mkv

Note the timestamp used in the output filename reflects the epoch-adjusted virtual start time of the video, and the relative timestamp of each clip also accounts for the epoch (but will never be negative).

User preferences (defaults)

You can create ~/.config/mvcs/prefs.yaml to configure the default behavior of the program. Command-line options take precedence over values defined in the preferences file. Here is a commented example prefs.yaml with all defaults values:

# String replacement map for input and output filenames
filename-replace: {}

# Default path to the clip.yaml (absolute or relative paths are fine)
job-path: "clip.yaml"

# Default path to the directory where clips should be written to.
output-dir: "."

# Default output clip file extension.
output-ext: "mkv"

# Default path to the directory where the source videos can be found.
video-dir: "."

# Default input video file extension.
video-ext: "mkv"

# Default input video filename format.
video-filename-format: "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S"


Short Term

[X] Create Repo and start collab.

[X] user preferences via a yaml config (e.g. ~/.config/mvcs/config.yaml)

[x] smart detection of existing clips, if you happen to run a playbook twice, it shouldn't overwrite (or prompt you to overwrite) your existing clip, it should skip it

[ ] Add "controller" to handle generating YAML for clipping in real time.

Long Term

[ ] Analyze clips with something like OpenCV to determine matches.