- 0
Feature request: .WAV output to use ffmpeg to resample output to different bit depths, stereo/mono
#119 opened by shades-aus - 8
- 5
- 59
- 0
Use FFmpeg AC-3 encoder rather than Aften A/52
#116 opened by GammaBoost - 0
add command line
#114 opened by andywu188 - 3
- 17
Encoding FLACs to OPUS files into a different directory can cause the encoder to hang
#110 opened by GammaBoost - 3
Update check fails to complete successfully.
#111 opened by fishnet37222 - 1
Tablet Version Mismatch
#104 opened by RedAISkye - 1
trackNo rename pattern option counts total tracks instead of trackNo from filetag?
#91 opened by matjojo - 1
Encoding Very Slow To Start
#101 opened by BarryBennett - 3
Disable expiry date
#109 opened by savchenko - 2
Any potential clash with Apple software?
#108 opened by iRamble88 - 21
Meta data Artist Tags not filled in properly
#107 opened by lamexpuser1 - 2
Wondering how to fix unsupported FLAC issues
#105 opened by oldhatgaming - 0
- 3
- 23
- 30
- 2
- 1
- 3
Trojans reported in LameXP-RC11.2021-07-26.Release-Static.Build-2317 and LameXP-RC5.2021-04-22.Release-Static.Build-2305
#100 opened by highqualitymusic - 2
the virus problem
#98 opened by Butterfly-Dragon - 3
Feature Request / Convert .M4A
#95 opened by AzzaAzza69 - 1
- 3
- 2
Disable Updates / Disable Sound not working.
#89 opened by isidroco - 7
Plays sound although configured not to
#86 opened by stonecrusher - 5
Opus File Unsupported
#88 opened by RickSmedley - 1
- 2
New stable release of LameXP soon??
#85 opened - 1
wrong sample rate
#82 opened by simon1tan - 1
Set MP4 files to be named m4a
#81 opened by nightstalkerpoet - 1
Opus 1.3.1 update is available
#80 opened by Sa-Ja-Di - 4
NeroAACEnc sample rate error
#72 opened by BiatuAutMiahn - 1
Keep configuration between updates
#79 opened by Svish - 1
Renaming Presets
#78 opened by nofatclips - 4
Error Encoding (MP3)
#77 opened by tedclayton - 2
Issue converting a specific FLAC version?
#75 opened by dfg555 - 2
LameXP v4.16 does not convert WMA-Files
#68 opened by foggyxp - 9
- 2
20% of m4a files fail as "unsupported"
#69 opened by floatingshed - 2
Samsung .amr files
#73 opened by smileystv - 1
Wav File
#74 opened by UserNoGood - 1
Exited code 0xC0000094.
#71 opened by NyaNguyen - 1
Combine / merge audio files
#70 opened by strarsis - 1
- 7
- 3
AAC output option is greyed out
#64 opened