
This application gives knowledge of films and tv shows. This simple application is made to complete the final project in dicoding class

Primary LanguageJava

Submission Dicoding

In This part, i wan't to share my submission when i follow class in Dicoding

This app will share little bit information about movie. There are poster, synopsis, trailer and others. This app doesn't use a database, because just a simple app. Image source from google with link.

Technology i have used in this app :

  1. Recycler View
  2. Scroll View
  3. Intent
  4. Tab Layout
  5. Option Menu
  6. Fragment
  7. Glide (for put image to view)
  8. Youtube Player API
  9. Support change language with locale system
  10. Parclelable

[Demo Apps in Youtube]

Demo Apps link

[Screenshoot Movie]

[Screenshoot TV Show]