
Account transaction demo Integration

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Account transactions

This example combines a kafka topic, a postgres database, the csv format and a rest endpoint, to simulate account transactions that will be queried through Rest.


  1. A running Kafka cluster
  2. A running Postgresql database
  3. A database named transactions
  4. A table named transactions with the following structure
    Column name Data type
    id serial
    timestamp varchar
    account varchar
    amount float
CREATE TABLE transactions (
    "timestamp" character varying,
    account character varying,
    amount bigint,
    id integer NOT NULL

CREATE SEQUENCE transactions_id_seq
    AS integer
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE ONLY transactions ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.transactions_id_seq'::regclass);


The load is generated using the load-generator.camel.yaml file, which creates CSV-like records and submits it into a kafka topic.

Later on, the data-ingestion.camel.yaml file consume messages from that topic and stores it into a Postgres database.

How to run

  1. Open the data-ingestion.camel.yaml file and set the PostgresqlDataSource bean properties to match your Postgresql database, such as databaseName, user, password, serverName, and portNumber 1.1. This example expects to have a secret named postgres with the following keys: * database-name containing the database name * database-user containing the user name * database-password containing the password
  2. Since this example requires the Postgresql dependency, change to the account-transactions folder
cd account-transactions
  1. Run the integration using the Camel CLI extension, or by executing the following command:
jbang '-Dcamel.jbang.version=4.5.0' camel@apache/camel run * --dev --logging-level=info
  1. In another terminal, execute the following command to retrieve records
curl localhost:8080