
This is the git demo for the preparation of the voyage 40 in Chingu


To work on this project, click on the green button that reads code, and copy the http url

If you already know how to use your terminal, feel free to do it. For those who don't:

  1. Create a new folder on your computer

  2. Open that folder on your IDE (VS Code, Atom, etc...)

  3. Open the integrated terminal

  4. run git clone _url_

  5. The project should now be there

  6. run cd _project name_

Creating a branch

  1. At this point, if you run git branch you will see the branches available: main; The * shows which branch you are on. You should create your working branch by running git branch _name-your-branch_

  2. If you run git branch you should now see your newly created branch listed, but if you notice, you are not on it yet, to go to your branch, run git checkout _your-branch-name_

  3. Run git branch again to ensure the * is next to your branch


Pushing your branch to Github