
Tiny, lightweight and informative logger for Android.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Tiny, lightweight, informative and very useful logger for Android. New LogCat adaptation for Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1 and higher You don't need to define TAG. It is automatically generated and include file name, method, line number and of of course the link to the code. Also contains the LongLog class which allows you to print a long messages into the LogCat without limiting the standard output length to less than ~ 4075.

Download the latest release v2.1.1

Just try the Java or Kotlin Demo apps

Image of LogDemo

Simple code example

You can see more examples in demo applications.

       int i = 10/0;
   } catch (Exception e) {
       Log.e("Some exception", e);

Possibility to outline the log strings (by default). You can also turn off this, just call Log.setLogOutlined(false);

You'll get in your LogCat the lines like below. Clicking on the tag brings you to log into the source code of the class which was caused by the logger:

Image of LogCat example

Easy objects formatting

Image of LogCat example

Arrays Image of LogCat example

Long data logger

Sometimes there is a need to display a log of big data. Usual a loggers truncate it. Use LongLog. It will output all data page by page without loss.

Image of LogLong example

Activity lifecicle and fragments stack logger

Simple add to your Application class.


You will receive information about an activity lifecycle calls

Image of LogActivity example

and a changes of the fragments stack

Image of LogFragments example

Log interceptor.

Allows use all log information in a custom interceptor. See the LogToFileInterceptor which save a log messages to file and you can share the zipped log with help of any external applications, for example by email, google drive and etc.

public class YourInterceptor extends LogInterceptor {

    public void log(Level level, String tag, String msg, @Nullable Throwable th) {
      // Use this data for save the log to file, send to cloud or etc.




It is also possible to choose ready-made LogToFileInterceptor and LogToMemoryCacheInterceptor

Log fragment

Allows to use the simple library snippet to display the application log, record, share, filter

val logFragment = LogFragment()
supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(R.id.frameContent, logFragment).commit()

Image of LogFragment example

Zip and share you log

Simple usage - Init at start logging


Prepare and run zipper

logZipper = LogZipper(LogToFileInterceptor.getSharedInstance(context))

Image of Log Share example

Add android-tao-log to your project

Android tao log lib is available for direct download (unfortunately Bintray has been deprecated ).
Please ensure that you are using the latest releases

Put downloaded taolog-*.aar file in to the 'lib' directory in your app module and add Gradle dependency:

implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar", "*.aar"])
implementation files('libs/taolog-*.aar')


2.1.0 -- New LogCat adaptation

  • New LogCat adaptation for Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1 and higher

2.0.2 -- Minor update

  • Added listW, listE, listV, listE methods

2.0.1 -- Fixes

  • Refactoring

2.0.0 -- Migration to Kotlin. LogFragment

  • Migration to Kotlin
  • Refactoring
  • Fixed LogToFileInterceptor
  • Added LogToMemoryCacheInterceptor
  • Added LogFragment
  • Added Log Zipper / Sharing

1.4.10 -- Fixed throwable doubles info

  • Fixed throwable doubles info

1.4.8 -- removed annotations

  • removed annotations for backward compatibility

1.4.7 -- added ToFileInterceptor

  • added ToFileInterceptor

1.4.6 -- Removed @ToLog annotation

  • Removed @ToLog annotation.

1.4.5 -- Log interceptor

  • Added log interceptor.

1.4.4 -- Activity lifecile and fragments stack logging

  • Activity lifecile and fragments stack logging moved to ComponentLog class.
  • Added LongLog for possibility print to LogCat very long messages.

1.4.3 -- Activity lifecile and fragments stack logging

  • Activity lifecile and fragments stack logging updates

1.4.1 -- ToLog annotation

  • added Kotlin classes support;
  • added possibility to align to right new lines in log for AndroidStudio 3.1;
  • combined @ToLog results in/out to one output method.

1.4.0 -- ToLog annotation

  • added support @ToLog annotation;
  • added outline log possibility;