
Creates the list thumbnails of the video file in console

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Docker implementation of screengen by Oleg Kochkin

Credit: Oleg Kochkin

Original repository: [https://github.com/OlegKochkin/screengen]


Creates the list thumbnails of the video file in console. Based on ffmpeg and QT. About 60 parameters for setting.

Last compile on Fedora 38 with ffmpeg 6.0 and QT5.15.10-1.

Example video - https://youtu.be/FGfhkvHVTcQ


   --preset                  Use section in config file (default - "Default")
   --presetsList             Show all presets in config file (all other parameters ignored)
   --presetInfo              Show all values in preset (all other parameters ignored, example: --presetInfo MyPreset)
   --frames                  Frames count in screenlist (default - 16)
   --width                   Width screenlist (default - 1200)
   --horCount                Frames in horisontal (default - 4)
   --offsetBegin             Time offset from begin (default - "00:01:00")
   --offsetEnd               Time offset from end (default - "00:01:00")
   --listBorder              Depth border screenlist (default - 10)
   --frameBorder             Depth border frame (default - 5)
   --shadowOffset            Offset shadow of frame (default - 5)
   --shadowInt               Intensity shadow of frame (default - 10, range 0-100)
   --shadowColor             R,G,B color shadow of frame (default - "0,0,0" - black, "255,255,255" - white)
   --background              Picture file for background (if empty, fill white)
   --backgroundColor         R,G,B[,A] background color (default - "255,255,255")
   --picType                 Type of picture file (default - "jpg")
   --header                  Header with information (default - true)
   --timeFrame               Time stamp on frame (default - true)
   --fontFrameName           Name font on frame (default - "Liberation Sans")
   --fontFrameSize           Size font on frame (default - 10)
   --fontFrameWeight         Weight font on frame (default - Normal, (Light,DemiBold,Bold,Black))
   --fontFrameItalic         Italic font on frame (default - false)
   --fontFrameColor          R,G,B[,A] color font on frame (default - "255,255,255")
   --fontFrameShadowOffset   Offset shadow of time stamp (default - 0)
   --fontFrameShadowInt      Intensity shadow of time stamp (default - 2, range 0-100)
   --fontFrameShadowColor    R,G,B color shadow of time stamp (default - "0,0,0")
   --stampPos                Position time stamp (default - "rb" (RightBottom), (rb, rt, lb, lr))
   --stampOffset             Offset from the edge of the frame to the timestamp (default - 3)
   --stampStart              Time offset for timestamp (default - "00:00:00")
   --fontHeaderName          Name font on header (default - "Liberation Sans")
   --fontHeaderSize          Size font on header (default - 13)
   --fontHeaderWeight        Weight font on header (default - Bold, (Normal,Light,DemiBold,Black))
   --fontHeaderItalic        Italic font on header (default - false)
   --fontHeaderColor         R,G,B[,A] color font on header (default - "0,0,0")                                                                       
   --headerBackground        Picture file for header background (if empty, default color for header)                                                  
   --headerColor             R,G,B[,A] color header background (default - "255,255,255")                                                              
   --headerBorderColor       R,G,B[,A] color header border (default - "0,0,0")                                                                        
   --headerBorder            Depth border header (default - 2)                                                                                        
   --infoShadowOffset        Offset shadow of information text (default - 5)                                                                          
   --infoShadowInt           Intensity shadow of information text (default - 10, range 0-100)                                                         
   --infoShadowColor         R,G,B color shadow of information text (default - "100,100,100")                                                         
   --logoFile                Picture file for logotype (it is recommended PNG image with alpha channel)                                               
   --logoShadowOffset        Offset shadow of logotype (default - 5)                                                                                  
   --logoShadowInt           Intensity shadow of logotype (default - 10, range 0-100)
   --logoShadowColor         R,G,B color shadow of logotype (default - "100,100,100")
   --foreground              Picture file for foreground (it is recommended PNG image with alpha channel)
   --aspect                  Aspect ratio (if 0.0 - source aspect (DAR), default - 0.0)
   --descr                   Custom text, located at the top of the header
   --outFolder               Folder for result files
   --frameBoxColor           R,G,B[,A] color frame border (default - "120,120,120")
   --frameBox                Depth border frame (default - 0)
   --stampDescr              Custom text, located on frame
   --stampDescrPos           Position custom text (default - "lt" (LeftTop), (rb, rt, lb, lr))
   --timeStep                Time between frames. If not equal to "00:00:00", the parameter "frames" are ignored. (default - "00:00:00")
   --fpm                     Frames per minute. If not equal to "0", the parameter "frames" and "timeStep" are ignored. (default - "0")
   --maxRows                 Maximum rows if use "timeStep" or "fpm". (default - 50)
   --version                 Version string. (default - false)
   --logLevel                FFMPEG log level. (default - -8 (QUIET))