
Iota Streams API for an easier use of Channels over Tangle

Primary LanguageRust

Iota Streams-Lib


This Repository provides the base API to open Channels, publish and receive signed data to the Tangle using the chrysalis-2 branch of iota-streams.

NOTE: async version of IOTA-streams API has been used. In order to evaluate streams responses, tokio crate is needed (just like in the example).

This lib allows to :

  • Create single branch channels
  • Send signed packets public data to the Tangle (and the Tangle only).
  • Each packet can be split in two parts:
  • Restoring channels to keep chaining messages to an already existing channel, even after the application stops.
  • Receive signed packets from a channel.

To learn more about IOTA-Streams click here


First, make sure to use the latest rust version using the command rustup update.

To interact with Library implementations you can add the dependency in Cargo.toml file:

iota_streams_lib = { git = "https://github.com/lore-lml/iota-streams-lib.git"}

You can then import the library into your project with:
use iota_streams_lib::*;

Author API

To Create a new Author use:

let author = AuthorBuilder::new()
  • node_url is the url of a node on a chrysalis net.
  • send_opts is a SendOptions struct of the official Iota-streams API.
  • encoding is the encoding method of data (i.e. utf-8).
  • Each step of the building process is optional: default values for each field are provided.

To Create and Write into a new channel use:

let mut channel = ChannelWriter::new(author);

or directly using:

let mut channel = ChannelWriterBuilder::new()
  • The author is the one created above. It is suggested to use an author created from the AuthorBuilder struct to avoid unexpected behaviours.

To Open the channel and get its address:

let (channel_id, announce_id) = channel.open().await.unwrap();

This will open the Channel by generating the channel address and publishing the signature keys. This address will be needed to read the data from the Tangle

To Send signed raw data over the Tangle:

async fn send_signed_raw_data(&mut self, p_data: Vec<u8>, m_data: Vec<u8>, key_nonce: Option<([u8;32], [u8;24])>) -> Result<String>
  • p_data: it's a bytes vector containing the public part of the packet.
  • m_data: it's a bytes vector containing the masked part of the packet.
  • key_nonce: it's an optional tuple of fixed byte array containing the encryption key and nonce. This option enables the encryption with the given key and nonce for the masked part of the packet.

If the transaction is succesfully sent the id of the attached message will be returned.

To Send signed packet, built from custom struct, over the Tangle:

async fn send_signed_packet<T>(&mut self, packet: &StreamsPacket<T>) -> Result<String>
  • The type T needs to have the StreamsPacketSerializer trait.
  • For an easier use you can build a valid StreamsPacket<T> using a Packet struct.

If the transaction is successfully sent the id of the attached message will be returned.

To Create a valid packet use:

/* RawPacketBuilder to serialize and deserialize in bin format */
let packet = RawPacketBuilder::new()
    .key_nonce(key, nonce)

/* or JsonPacketBuilder to serialize and deserialize in json format */
let packet = JsonPacketBuilder::new() 

To Store and Restore the channel state use:

let channel = ChannelWriter::new(author);
/* ********** Do stuff ********** */

channel.export_to_file(psw, file_path);
/* ********** applications stops ********** */

let channel = ChannelWriter::imports_from_file(file_path, psw, node_url, send_opts);
/* ********** Do stuff as the application never stops ********** */
  • psw is the password you want to use to encrypt the channel state.
  • file_path is the path of the file that will be used to store the state.
  • node_url is an Option<&str>: contains the specified url of the nodes as before or None for default value.
  • send_opts is an Option<SendOptions>: contains the same struct as before or None for default value.

NOTE: Make sure to use the export_to_file() method when you are sure the channel is updated to the last message attached to the tangle or the stored state will be inconsistent.

Subscriber API

To Create a new Subscriber use:

let subscriber = SubscriberBuilder::new()
  • node_url is the url of a node on a chrysalis net.
  • send_opts is a SendOptions struct of the official Iota-streams API.
  • encoding is the encoding method of data (i.e. utf-8).
  • Each step of the building process is optional: default values for each field are provided.

To Receive packets from a channel follow these steps:

  1. Create the reader:

    let channel_reader = ChannelReader::new(subscriber, channel_id, announce_id);

    or directly using:

    let mut channel_reader = ChannelReaderBuilder::new()
                        .build(channel_id, announce_id);
  2. Attach the reader to the channel:

  3. Retrieve all msgs on the channel:

    let msgs = channel_reader.fetch_raw_msgs(key_nonce).await;


    let msgs = channel_reader.fetch_parsed_msgs(key_nonce).await.unwrap();
  4. Loop over them and parse.

Utility API

  • fn random_seed() -> String
    creates a random seed of 81 chars.
  • fn hash_string(string: &str) -> String
    it creates the digest of a string using blake2b.
  • fn create_link(appinst: &str, msg_id: &str) -> Result<Address>
    it creates the official IOTA-streams Address struct with the specified appinst and msg_id.
  • fn create_encryption_key(string_key: &str) -> [u8; 32]
    it creates the corresponding key bytes array needed for the encryption and decryption of the masked part of the packet, starting from a secret string.
  • fn create_encryption_nonce(string_nonce: &str) -> [u8;24]
    it creates the corresponding nonce bytes array needed for the encryption and decryption of the masked part of the packet, starting from a secret string.


In the example folder there is a more detailed example on how to send and receive packets to/from the tangle, and recover channel state.

Use cargo run --package example to run the example application.


In this lib an external approach for the encryption of the masked payload has been used.
IOTA-streams framework is currently in the alpha stage, so even if it should provide an internal protocol for key distribution and a mechanism to send both public and masked data in the same packet, right now it has some limitations, and it's not easy to use. Knowing this, you should use your own key distribution protocol in order to make subscribers able to decrypt the encrypted data of a packet.