
Solution for the classification problem exam of "Data Science Lab: Process and methods" course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Science Lab: Process and methods

Politecnico di Torino

Exam session: Winter 2020

1. Data exploration

I first understand the structure of my dataset: it is in a csv format, so I encapsulate all data inside a data frame. It’s easy to observe that each review has been labeled with just one class chosen between positive and negative, hence we can plot how they are distributed in terms of proportions.

They are very unbalanced, the positive class is approximately doubled with respect to the negative one, this could turn into a higher misprediction ratio for the latter.

Then I focus on the text of the reviews, trying to find out what kind of transformations are needed during the pre-processing step. I use a cyclic approach in order to discover as many inappropriate words as possible:

  • I build a set of all the unique words in the reviews.
  • I sample a portion of these set and I analyze those words observing if there are some kind of tokenization error, words containing special characters or numbers, URLs or something that could be meaningless for the analysis.
  • I add more filter or text transformation in order to obtain the cleanest data as possible.

This is an example of what tokenizer extracts during the first attempts

This is an example of the top 25 features. As we can see most of them are probably used to label positive reviews. It is reasonable to think that it happens due to the initial imbalance of the two classes (it has been considered 2-grams as explained in the next step).

2. Preprocessing

Our purpose is to obtain numerical features having meaning for the analysis, so we need to select the most significant words and then transform each of them into a numerical representation. For each review I apply a series of text transformation: firstly I convert everything into lower case letters, then, if present, I remove URLs or email or specific combination of possible special characters followed by words (i.e @, #). In the end, when there are punctuation marks, numbers or special characters followed or preceded by a word, I substitute them for a blank character (i.e “l’hotel” becomes “l hotel”) aiming to guarantee a correct tokenization. When the cleaning process is over, tokenization starts. I decide to stem every word in order to better group every shade of a specific "word-root", using ItalianStemmer() class from nltk library. Finally, the tokens are filtered so, stop-words, punctuation marks, numbers, words of inappropriate length are removed.

The only words left are the ones with a potential meaning for the analysis, so now we can use a CountVectorizer() to convert every word into a number that represents its frequency among reviews. But in this way, one problem shows up: we are only counting how many times a word appears in the set of reviews, which results in biasing in favour of most frequent words. So, it ignores rare words, which could have been helpful to label a review. To overcome this problem, we can apply a Tf-Idf Transformation on the output of the CountVectorizer. Tf-Idf balances the term frequency in the single review with its inverse frequency across all reviews. This means that rarer word will have more importance when it's needed to take decisions in sentiment analysis.

As a final step during vectorization, I consider n-grams of length two in addition to one-grams. There are many words that may have poor meaning or may be ambiguous, in this context, if considered isolated, but at the same time may be the best factor to analyse, in order to label a review as positive or negative, when it is included in a two-gram. For example, if we consider the word “vacanza” by itself, we can’t say for sure if the review is positive or negative; on the other hand, a two-gram such as “ottima vacanza” is probably inside positive one.

3. Algorithm choice

Considering the goal of this data science task, we can observe that we have a binary classification problem and a huge quantity of features (the total number of distinct word that we have found during the pre-process step) to deal with: my choice fell on logistic regression.

Contrary to what might be thought, logistic regression is mostly used as a binary classification algorithm thanks to its characteristic to map each value in input to '0' or '1'.

Having this great amount of features leads to think that there are dependencies among them: in this circumstance, probably, some words are correlated with others. Using a different classification algorithm such as Naïve Bayes, this situation could turn into a poorer prediction due to the intrinsic assumption of this algorithm that is to consider each feature as conditionally independent. On the contrary the presence of this correlation among the words may be negligible using logistic regression because it just tries to split the feature space as good as possible in a linear way. Finally, it handles very well either categorical or continuous features, so it fit perfectly with this case.

Concerning the implementation, logistic regression doesn’t require too many combinations of hyper-parameter during the tuning step and it is a very easy-to-use and efficient solution in terms of time consumption and prediction rate.

I would like to show a comparison diagram to support the choice I have made

The code used to train Naïve Bayes model is the same code submitted for logistic regression solution. So, I have avoided to include it among the solutions.

4. Tuning and validation

Before start training the model, I split the development dataset into train and test set with respectively 75% and 25% proportions. Then I build a parameter grid for CountVectorizer and the logistic regression model. I use a brute force approach and every combination of these (hyper)parameters is employed to build pipelines in order to specify every step starting from raw data to the best estimator. During the tuning, my pipeline has three steps: vectorization through CountVectorizer, Tf-Idf transformation and the training of the model as I explained before. As the dataset is quite big, it is reasonable to think that the initial split is already enough to avoid overfitting, in fact, I avoid using k-fold cross validation in this case: as a result, the tuning process is faster. Once every pipeline has been fitted, I validate all the results using the "f1-score" metric and I pick the pipeline that reaches the highest score.

The result of the best pipeline shows something like this. Even if the two classes are very unbalanced, the difference of scores between the two classes are not so far in every metric

At this point the tuning step is over and the best pipeline can be used to train the final model using 100% of the initial dataset. Before starting to fit, I change the pipeline steps: after the tfidf transformation, I insert a TruncatedSVD step in order to reduce the huge feature space dimensionality, trying to keep a number of components that covers around 80% of the explained variance: this guarantees a good balance between computational time and accuracy of the model.