This assignment is a rehash of our in-class work in Week 4, and is meant to build your familiarity with arrays, objects, and the basics of drawing in d3. Here, we will try to programatically create a random pattern of circles and squares.
Here are some useful hints, organized step by step.
Review the steps with which we created, and sized, an svg
drawing environment. The boilerplate is set up for you, but you need to complete one line of code to reflect the margin conventions we covered in class.
Instead of a simple array of numbers, here we need to generate an array of objects
. Attributes of this object (that we need to manually create and randomize) include: x position, y position, size, color, and type (whether circle or square). Eventually, each element of the array should have the form
x: 203, //random between 0 and 'width'
y: 20, //random between 0 and 'height'
size: 32, //random between 0 and 50,
HINT: to randomize between circle and square, create a 'type' attribute and use `Math.round()' to set its value to either 0 or 1. 0 could represent circle, 1 square.
Iterate through the array we created using its .forEach()