
Python 3 flask web app that scrapes Yelp reviews for pizza shops in a geographic region.

Primary LanguageHTML

Pizza Review Aggregator


  • Build a web page that accepts the name of a pizza restaurant in New York
  • The response should display the n most recent Yelp reviews for this restaurant
  • The web page should also display the average score (0-5) of the returned reviews


This is a Flask Python 3.6.2 app.

You'll need to register a Yelp application via Yelp's Create App dash. From there you'll received a client_id and an api_key, which you'll want to put into a yaml file located at app/config.yml.

Now you're ready to spin up the app:

Option 1: Use Docker Compose

cd app
docker-compose up -d  # Runs detached

# To spin down
docker-compose down

Note: Since the docker-compose.yml uses a mountable volume directory, if you were to make a code change and rebuild you'd have to specify the following command before calling docker-compose up -d:

docker-compose build --no-cache
# Flow as specified above

Option 2: Run from CLI directly(=

cd app
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 app.py 

Finding reviews for a pizza shop in New York

You can either hit the API directly or view the information in the browser.

To hit the API directly:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5000/restaurant/reviews' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"bleecker street", "location":"new+york", "limit":26}' | python -mjson.tool

Or else you can enter http://localhost:5000 in your browser of choice and enter the information requested on the form, hit enter, and viola!