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Loren Cerri


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Plexi Development
⤷ Founder of Plexi Development

Discord — 16k+ Members
YouTube — 4.6k+ Subscribers / 1.1m+ Views
Products — 1.2m+ Total Downloads


JavaScript + Node.JS

Projects & GitHub Repositories

iOS Applications

Title Description Language(s)
Dog Age Calculator Calculate the age of your dog from human years to dog years PhoneGap (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
High or Low A simple card game for the iOS app store Swift

Development Tools

Title Description Language(s)
quick.db An easy, open-sourced, Node.js better-sqlite3 wrapper designed for beginners getting into development JavaScript (Node.js), HTML
quick.log This package provides a quick, easy to use, logging solution viewable from a browser HTML, JavaScript (Node.js)
quick.hook This package creates an easy way to send webhooks, as well as providing fallbacks if the client does not have the proper permissions JavaScript (Node.js)
quick.time This package allows user input to be turned into milliseconds JavaScript (Node.js)

Discord Bots

Title Description Language(s)
Community Channels This program allows you to create private & optional channels, without the need to give any users permissions JavaScript (Node.js)
Guardian A fully autonomous, Discord server protection bot JavaScript (Node.js)
Rust Bot A simple Discord bot written in Rust Rust

Rust Applications

Title Description Language(s)
Odd or Even A simple rust application created for learning purposes Rust
Character Input A simple rust application created for learning purposes Rust


URL Source Description Language(s)
sourcecode.glitch.me Code A public place for users to share, rate, and view source code JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS
plexicalculator.glitch.me Code A simple calculator that features a history system JavaScript, HTML, CSS
cargolog.glitch.me Code This application features a full room system, for real-time collaborative cargo transport logging JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS

Game Modifications

URL Source Description Game/Type Language(s)
MoreJoinMessages Code Discord inspired join messages, in Minecraft. Minecraft/Plugin Java

Project Euler Solutions
These are my solutions for Project Euler, and by no means are the most efficient answers.

# Title JavaScript Ruby Swift Rust Java
1 Multiples of 3 and 5 JavaScript Ruby Swift Rust Java
2 Even Fibonacci numbers JavaScript Java
3 Largest Prime Factor JavaScript
4 Largest Palidrome Product JavaScript
5 Smallest Multiple JavaScript
6 Sum Square Difference JavaScript