Unity 2022.3.13f1, URP, Vulkan.
Pet Project: Graphics Programming / Technical Art for Game development.
Two ways of player control:
- Modifying the environment
- Moving the player
TAB to change PLAYER mode or BUILDING mode.
+ W/A/S/D to add torque.
+ SPACE to add force up.
+ LEFT CLICK to select.
+ ESC to deselect.
+ W/A/S/D/E/Q to scale.
+ MOUSE MOVE to move.
Gameplay (TODO):
- At game start, generate randomized start and goal positions.
- Player is positioned at start position.
- Player modifies the environment in order to move to the goal position.
- Each environment modification operation must be optimized since it results in penalty points.
- Player is time restricted; laser is moving from bottom to top and if it touches the player the game ends.
Interacting with environment:
- Ray-casting for selection
- TODO: ray-cast layers and 4th wall
- Scaling and translation of selected objects
- RBD behaviour
Interacting with player
- RBD behaviour
- Movement using torque and forces
- Normal-based unlit shader for color
- SSS approx using unlit shader:
- Grid unlit shader:
- TODO: outline shader for selected objects