
Project Template for CPP projects

Primary LanguageShell


Project Template for CPP projects


  • Scripts to generate Project quickly
  • Makefile
  • symlinks to quickly access the scripts


  • Makefile

  • script to update SRCS variable in Makefile automatically and run it :

    • a symlink u to the script
    • Run with
  bash update_srcs.sh
  • script to generate new canonical classes with the attributes[NEW!] :

    • a symlink c to the script
    • Run with
bash cpp_gen.sh


cpp_gen.sh demo

  • script to help adding new variables in class:

    • a symlink b to the script
    • Run with
bash boiler.sh

This script will ask you for the class name or you can pass it as an argument.

Canonical Classes

  • Default Constructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Copy Assignement Operator


class FortyTwo
	FortyTwo( void );				// Default Constructor
	FortyTwo( int var );				// Fields Constructor

	FortyTwo( const FortyTwo& copy );		// Copy Constructor
	FortyTwo & operator=(const FortyTwo& assign );	// Copy Assignement Operator

	~FortyTwo( void );				// Destructor

more info on canonical classes