Want to quickstart your own home server? You're in the right place!
Lorfo's Easy Home Server uses docker-compose and automatically sets up Portainer (Container Management) and Nginx Proxy Manager (For Reverse Proxy)
- Installs Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager automatically
- Can open your browser automatically for account setup in both Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager
- Can Update (and start) all containers in it's "docker" folder
- Can Remove all containers in it's "docker" folder
You need Linux to run this script, I'd personally suggest a Linux server and not your main computer
You can setup an Ubuntu Server easily
If you're using a terminal, don't use the -w (or --web) option, because that requires a Desktop Environment or Window Manager to work.
Clone the repository and give execution permission to lehs.sh
git clone https://github.com/lorenzo3421/lorfos-easy-home-server
cd lorfos-easy-home-server
chmod +x lehs.sh
At this point you can use Lorfo's Easy Home Server as you prefer.
View the Help:
sudo ./lehs.sh -h
Install Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager, then open the Web Interfaces (recommended to quickstart):
sudo ./lehs.sh -p -n -w
Only Install Portainer and open it's Web Interface:
sudo ./lehs.sh -p -w
Install Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager:
sudo ./lehs.sh -p -n
If you want to add a new Container, just add a folder inside ./docker/
and inside of that folder, add it's docker-compose.yml
after doing so, you can update all containers using:
sudo ./lehs.sh -u
Well, you could have your own Cloud Storage!
Or maybe Hastebin!
You can now setup any Docker container that uses a docker-compose.yml
Remember that afterwards you can update all of your containers using:
sudo ./lehs.sh -u
- Install Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager
- Update and Remove all Containers
- Open Web Interfaces automatically
- Apps folder with ready-to-use apps like NextCloud or Hastebin
- List current apps
- Select only a single app to Update/Remove
- Automatically install/update docker and docker-compose
Contributions are always welcome!
Please adhere to this project's Code of Conduct.