
Container for Automatic Semantic Versioning

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Automatic Semantic Versioning

This container exposes a calculate_semver script that will automatically calculate the next incremental semantic version for a GitHub repository by analyzing the existing releases and the labels on pull requests closed since.

Expected Labels on Pull Requests:

  • patch
  • minor
  • major


To use, run the container with your github repository mounted to it (or using the docker.inside functionality in Jenkins) and just run calculate_semver. It will simply output the next semantic version that should be used. Non-master branches will generate a "build" tag, formatted as VERSION-BRANCH.SHORTHASH.

** Jenkins Example: **

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '<your_github_credentials_id>', passwordVariable: 'GH_TOKEN', usernameVariable: 'GH_USER')]) {
    withEnv(['GH_ORG=<your_github_org>', 'GH_REPO=<your_github_repo>']) {
        docker.image('laiello/automatic-semver:latest').inside('-u 0') {
            checkout scm
            NEXT_VERSION = sh (
                script: 'calculate_semver',
                returnStdout: true

Note: If using Jenkins, ensure that Fetch Tags is enabled.

Required Environment Variables

** Human Defined: **

  • GH_ORG - GitHub Organization
  • GH_REPO - GitHub Repository
  • GH_TOKEN - Used for reading the repository details

** Jenkins Provided: **

  • BRANCH_NAME - Used in calculating the version (anything other than master gets a build version)
  • GIT_COMMIT - Used in calculating build versions (automatically shortened to eight characters)