
Collection of sequence alignment algorithms.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Collection of sequence alignment algorithms.

Travis (.org) Code Climate coverage Code Climate maintainability npm

Table of contents

Getting started

Install the package from npm:

$ npm install --save seqalign

Import the package in your project:

const { NWaligner, SWaligner } = require('seqalign');


SWaligner and NWaligner are factory fucntions, you can create many aligners with different parameters and re-use each one multiple times. An aligner is configurable with the following parameters (all of them are optional):

  • similarityScoreFunction: takes two characters (string) as input and returns a similarity score (integer).
  • gapScoreFunction:
    • Smith-Waterman: takes one positive integer as input (gap length) and returns a score (integer).
    • Needleman-Wunsch: takes no input and returns a constant score used for scoring insertions and deletions in the alignment.
  • gapSymbol: a custom character (string) used to represent gaps in the alignment.

All the listed parameters are accessible from each aligner instance in addition with the following non configurable parameters:

  • directions: enum object used to define direction codes for the traceback matrix.


Here are the default values for the aligner options:

// Smith-Waterman.
const similarityScoreFunction = (char1, char2) => (char1 === char2 ? 2 : -1);
const gapScoreFunction = k => -k;

const similarityScoreFunction = (char1, char2) => (char1 === char2 ? 1 : -2);
const gapScoreFunction = () => -1;

// Common defaults.
const gapSymbol = '-';


Instantiating SWaligner or NWaligner returns an aligner object which exposes an align method. align accepts the two strings to align as input:

// Smith-Waterman.
const { SWaligner } = require('seqalign');

const defaultAligner = SWaligner();
const customAligner = SWaligner({
  gapScoreFunction: x => x / 2,
  gapSymbol: '~',

const defaultResult = defaultAligner.align('insertion', 'deletion');
const customResult = customAligner.align('insertion', 'deletion');

// > ertion
// > e-tion

// > inse~~rtion
// > ~~~ele~tion
// Needleman-Wunsch.
const { NWaligner } = require('seqalign');

const defaultAligner = NWaligner();
const customAligner = NWaligner({
  inDelScore: -3,
  gapSymbol: '~',

const defaultResult = defaultAligner.align('insertion', 'deletion');
const customResult = customAligner.align('insertion', 'deletion');

// > -inse--rtion
// > d---ele-tion

// > insertion
// > dele~tion

Alignment result

The align method of the aligner instances returns an object with the following properties:

  • score <int>: alignment score.
  • originalSequences Array<str>: original input sequences.
  • alignedSequences Array<str>: aligned sequences.
  • scoringMatrix Array<Array<int>>: alignment scores matrix.
  • tracebackMatrix Array<Array<int>>: alignment traceback directions matrix.
  • coordinateWalk Array<Array<int>>: coordinate walk from the traceback matrix.
  • alignment <str>: printable visual alignment string.