
the Python implementation of the paper "Efficient distributed representations beyond negative sampling"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

EDRep: Efficient Distributed Representations

This is the code related to (Dall'Amico, Belliardo Efficient distributed representation beyond negative sampling). If you use this code please cite the related article. In this paper we show an efficient method to obtain distributed representations of complex entities given a sampling probability matrix encoding affinity between the items. The main result of the article describes an algorithm with linear-in-size complexity to compute the Softmax normalization constant, hence avoiding the need to deploy negative sampling to approximate it.

      title={Efficient distributed representations beyond negative sampling}, 
      author={Lorenzo Dall'Amico and Enrico Maria Belliardo},


  • Notebooks: this folder contain the notebooks needed to reproduce the results present in our paper.

    • Test the approximation: in this notebook we test our approximation on some pre-computed word embeddings. The embeddings are not included but they can be downloaded from http://vectors.nlpl.eu/repository/. This is the code used to produce Figure 1.
    • Community detection: in this notebook I test the performance of our algorithm on community detection, formulated as an inference problem for which we can measure the accuracy. This is the code used to produce Figure 2.
    • Real graphs tests: performs community detection on real graphs and tests the results against Node2Vec algorithm. This is the code used to produce Table 1.
    • Text processing: performs word embeddings and compares the results with the gensim implementation of word2vec. This is the code used to obtain the results described in Section 3.2.
    • Data_completion: this notebook makes the test presented in the appendix in which we apply our method to the "asymmetric" setting.
  • dataset: this folder contains the datasets used to perform community detection on real data.

  • utils: this folder contains all the relevant source code:

    • dcsbm: these functions are used to generate synthetic graphs with a community structure and to run the competing community detection algorithms.
    • EDRep: this is the main file in which we have the function to create an embedding of a probability distribution
    • node_embedding: this is the main function to create a graph node embedding
    • word_embedding: this contains the main functions to create a word embedding
  • EDRep_env.yml: this file can be used to create a conda environment with all the useful packages to run our codes.


To easily run our codes you can create a conda environment using the commands

conda env create -f EDRep_env.yml
conda activate EDRep

On top of this, in order to use the web.datasets.similarity package you should follow the installation instructions of https://github.com/kudkudak/word-embeddings-benchmarks. Similarly, the node2vec package can be installed following the instructions at https://github.com/thibaudmartinez/node2vec (Linux 64 only). Finally, if the faiss package creates problem, you might need to install its dependency manually with

sudo apt-get install libstdc++6


For the use of our package, we invite the practitioner to refer to the jupyter notebooks contained in the Notebooks folder. We here report the comment lines of the three main functions that can used from our package.

  • The function CreateEmbedding is the main function and it provides a distributed representation given a probability matrix

    res = CreateEmbedding(Pv)


    • Pv (list sparse array): the P matrix is provided by the product of all the elements appearing in Pv.from right to left. If sum_partials = True the total matrix P = (Pv[0] + Pv[1]@Pv[0] + Pv[2]@Pv[1]@Pv[0] + ...)/len(Pv) . If the resulting matrix P is not a probability matrix (hence it its rows do not sum up to 1), a warning is raised.

    Optional inputs:

    • dim (int): dimension of the embedding. By default set to 128
    • p0 (array): array of size n that specifies the "null model" probability
    • n_epochs (int): number of iterations in the optimization process. By default set to 30
    • sum_partials (bool): refer to the description of Pv for the use of this parameter. The default value is False
    • k (int): order of the GMM approximation. By default set to 1
    • η (float): largest adimissible learning rate. By default set to 0.8.
    • verbose (bool): determines whether the algorithm produces some output for the updates. By default set to True
    • sym (bool): if True (default) generates a single embedding, while is False it generates two

    Output: The function returns a class with the following elements:

    • EDRep.X (array): solution to the optimization problem for the input weights
    • EDRep.Y (array): solution to the optimization problem for the input weights
    • EDRep.ℓ (array): label vector

  • The function NodeEmbedding creates a node distributed representation of a graph given its adajcency matrix representation. The graph can be directed or undirected and it can be weigted, but weights must be non-negative.

    res = NodeEmbedding(A, dim)


    • A (scipy sparse matrix): graph adjacency matrix. It can be weighted and non-symmetric, but its entries must be non-negative
    • dim (int): embedding dimension

    Optional inputs:

    • n_epochs (int): number of training epochs in the optimization. By default set to 30
    • walk_length (int): maximal distance reached by the random walker. By default set to 5
    • k (int): order of the mixture of Gaussian approximation. By default set to 1
    • verbose (bool): if True (default) it prints the update
    • η (float): learning rate, by default set to 0.5
    • sym (bool): determines whether to use the symmetric (detfault) version of the algoritm


    • res: EDREp class

  • Finally, the matrix WordEmbedding provides a word distributed representation generated from a text.

    res, word2idx = WordEmbedding(text)


    • text (list of lists of strings): input text
    • dim (int): embedding dimensionality

    Optional inputs:

    • n_epochs (int): number of training epochs. By default set to 10
    • window_size (int): window size parameter of the Skip-Gram algorithm
    • min_count (int): minimal required number of occurrencies of a word in a text. By default set to 5
    • verbose (bool): sets the level of verbosity. By default set to True
    • k (int): order of the mixture of Gaussians approximation
    • γ (float): negative sampling parameter
    • η (float): learning parameter. By default set to 0.5
    • n_jobs (int): number of parallel jobs used to build the co-occurency matrix
    • sym (bool): if True (default) the algorithm is run in its symmetric version


    • res: EDRep class
    • word2idx (dictionary): mapping between words and embedding indices



This software is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (see included file LICENSE)