Nishimori Bethe Hessian for Node Classification

These are the codes to reproduce the results appearing in the article

The source code represents our implementation of Algorithm 2, appear in the article cited above and can be used to perform node classification on a weighted graph, as well as to perform binart classification of high dimensional vectors.

If you make use of these codes, please consider to cite the related article.

	doi = {10.1088/1742-5468/ac21d3},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac21d3},
	year = 2021,
	month = {sep},
	publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
	volume = {2021},
	number = {9},
	pages = {093405},
	author = {Lorenzo Dall'Amico and Romain Couillet and Nicolas Tremblay},
	title = {Nishimori meets Bethe: a spectral method for node classification in sparse weighted graphs},
	journal = {Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment}}
Content of the package
  • The directory src contains the source codes. The file basic_functions.jl contains some functions needed to build a (degree-corrected) Erdos-Renyi random graph, together with the non-backtracking and Bethe-Hessian matrix. Overall these functions are needed to reproduce the main theoretical results of our paper. The file NBNC.jl provides our implementation of Algorithm 2 with all the functions associated to it. Finally clustering_algorithms.jl contains the implementation of the three spectral algorithms we use as a benchmark.
  • Create a directory data and download from this link the files features.dat and features_small.dat containing the features of 40k (resp. 6k) GAN images that can be used to test our algorithm and. Save the two files in the directory data.
  • The notebook Figure 2-5 provides the code needed to reproduce the Figures 2,3,4,5 of our article. These figures constitute the support to our main theoretical findings.
  • The notebook DEMO explains how to: i) generate a synthetic graph on which node classification can be performed; ii) use the files contained in the directory data; iii) use the algorithms for node classifications provided in the src folder.

Required packages

Our code require the following packages

LightGraphs, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, StatsBase, DataFrames, Distributions, 
KrylovKit, ParallelKMeans

Functions documentation

Each function has a minimal documentation on the inputs, outputs and basic usage. To access it, type



Lorenzo Dall'Amico Nicolas Tremblay