
Final assignment of Software Engineering course @ PoliMi // a.y. 2018-2019

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Adrenaline (Prova finale Ingegneria del Software)

This is a digital adaptation of Adrenaline, a board game developed by Czech Game Creations and distributed in Italy by Cranio Creations. The game has been developed in Java as a Software Engineering project at Politecnico di Milano.


Name GitHub profile Matricola Author of
Lorenzo Farinelli @lorenzofar 866236 💻 Client, Model
Tiziano Fucci @tizianofucci 873622 📡 Updates, Model
Alessandro Fulgini @fuljo 866390 🎮 Controller, Network, Model



  • Complete rules
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • TCP connection
  • RMI connection


  • Multiple simultaneous matches (on the server)
  • Game persistence
  • Terminator
  • Domination mode
  • Turret mode

System requirements

This software requires Oracle's Java Runtime Environment (including JavaFX) to be installed and properly configured on the system.

The CLI interface of the client uses ANSI escape codes and Unicode characters, so make sure that your terminal supports both. On Windows, this can be achieved by using the Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL) terminal with the font DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline. See this guide by Michele Bertoni on how to configure it.


The server can handle multiple matches at a time and both RMI and Socket clients.
Before starting the server you must set the parameter adrenaline.server.hostname in the adrenaline.properties file to the hostname or IP address of the computer running the server. This address must be resolvable and reachable by the clients.

Then you can start the server with the command

java -jar adrenaline-server.jar

This has the advantage of seeing logs in the console.
Alternatively, you can start the server by double-clicking the JAR, but it will run in headless mode and you won't see any console output.

You can also configure other parameters, for more details see the dedicated section.

When the server has started, it will wait for login requests by the players. Once a login request has been accepted, the player will be waiting in the lobby until there are enough waiting players to start the match (3 by default). The default waiting time is 30 seconds.

When the match starts, each player has a maximum amount of time to end his turn (3 minutes by default). If the time runs out, he will be suspended and disconnected, but he can reopen his client, login with the same name and will rejoin the match at the end of the current turn. For this reason there cannot be two players with the same name at the same time in the whole server.

A match may end either because all the players complete their turns, or because at the end of a turn the number of active players is below the minimum.
In both cases the scoring is performed and the scores are shown to the active players.


Before starting the client, if you want to use RMI connection, you must set the parameter adrenaline.client.hostname in the adrenaline.properties file to the hostname or IP address of the computer running the client. This address must be resolvable and reachable by the server.
If you want you can provide this parameter on command-line or with another configuration file, see this section for details.

Then start the client by running the following command in a console window:

java -jar adrenaline-client.jar

You can select the user interface with a parameter after the JAR name: cli or gui. If no parameter is selected, then GUI is chosen by default.
The client can also be started in GUI mode by double-clicking the JAR.

Connection and login

At first you will be asked to insert the server's address, the connection mode and your username. Then you will be waiting in a lobby until there are enough players to start a match.

Login screen in GUI and CLI

Match screen

Once you have completed the login procedure and the match has stared, the match screen will be shown.
It includes: the game board, the weapons in the spawn points, your player board, your items and other player's boards and weapons. The match screen will be automatically updated when something changes, both during your or another player's turn.

Match screen in GUI

Match screen in CLI


During the game you will be asked to make selections.

  • In GUI this is very simple: just click the item you want to select.
  • In CLI each choice has a number: to reply type the number and press Enter on your keyboard.

Most selections require a choice, but some even accept you to choose nothing. In this case a special option is presented. For example you can choose to reload no weapon by selecting the grey card.

Weapon selection in GUI

Configuration parameters

The game has several parameters which can be modified by the user.
The parameters can be loaded from a custom file by specifying the JVM option -Dadrenaline.config=path/to/file.properties where the value is the path to the properties file (described later).
If such option is not provided, the game will try to load properties from a default file adrenaline.properties in the directory where the game has been launched. If this file does not exist, then the default values are used.
The parameters can also be overridden by specifying the corresponding JVM arguments (-Dparameter.name=value) when running the game from command line.

It's important to note that there is no dirty-checking for the configuration parameters, so check the their correctness before running the program.


These are the parameters:

  • adrenaline.server.hostname: an hostname or IP address for the server, must be resolvable for the clients who want to connect (used by RMI)
  • adrenaline.client.hostname: an hostname or IP address for the client, must be resolvable for the server to which the client connects (used by RMI)
  • adrenaline.rmi.port: port of the RMI registry (default 1099)
  • adrenaline.socket.port: port of the server socket (default 3000)
  • adrenaline.players.min: the minumum number of players for a match (default 3). This must also be less than the maximum number of players, determined by the colors, which is currently 5, and greater than 0. If there are less waiting players, a match won't start. If at the end of a turn the number of active players is less than this, the match ends.
  • adrenaline.rmi.ping.interval: the interval, in seconds, between the ping commands sent from RMI clients to the server (default 10 s). Note that the server does not ping the clients.
  • adrenaline.timeout.turn: the maximum duration of a player's turn (default 30 s). If the player does not complete the turn in this time, he will be suspended.
  • adrenaline.timeout.lobby: the timeout after which the lobby starts the match if there are at least the minimum amount of players connected (default 30 s)
  • adrenaline.timeout.config: the amount of time available for the first player to select the initial match configuration: board and number of skulls (default 30 s) If the time runs out, these are selected automatically.
  • adrenaline.timeout.spawn: the amount of time available for players to respawn at the end of the turn (default 30 s). If they don't respawn, a respawn location is chosen from the first drawn powerup.
  • adrenaline.timeout.revenge: the amount of time available, after a weapon has been used, for each player who has a revenge powerup (Tagback grenade) to select whether to use it or not (default 30 s)


Example run with JVM arguments:

java -Dadrenaline.server.hostname= -jar adrenaline-server.jar

Example configuration file (with default values):

adrenaline.rmi.port = 1099
adrenaline.socket.port = 3000
adrenaline.server.hostname =
adrenaline.client.hostname =
adrenaline.players.min = 3
adrenaline.rmi.ping.interval = 10
adrenaline.timeout.turn = 180
adrenaline.timeout.lobby = 30
adrenaline.timeout.config = 30
adrenaline.timeout.spawn = 30
adrenaline.timeout.revenge = 30

All the timeouts are expressed in seconds


Both client and server use the default Java logging library. A custom logging configuration file can be provided by setting the JVM parameter -Dadrenaline.loggerconfig which must be a path to a valid logging properties file. By default the server will log in console with level INFO, while the client will log to file (client.log) with level FINE.


Adrenaline is a trademark of Czech Game Editions and Cranio Creations.