
Setup a Kind cluster with Prometheus and Grafana installed using Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

Kubernetes Observability

Spin up a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus and Grafana installed using Docker, and Terraform. The repo provides IaC to create a Kubernetes cluster using Kind, but the Prometheus and Grafana setup can be used with any Kubernetes cluster.

Setup MinIO

Run the following command to start MinIO:

make minio-up

If you want to customise the MinIO setup, create a .env file in the minio directory using the default.env file as a template.

The default.env file provides default values good enough for local development.

Setup Terraform State Backend on MinIO

  1. Connect to the MinIO web interface and create a bucket named terraform-states with

    • Locking enabled
    • Versioning enabled.
  2. Create another bucket named cluster-kubeconfig to store the kubeconfig file for the Kind cluster (which will be useless at the moment, because MinIO Terraform provider does not provide a way to read from bucket yet).

  3. Create a user with the necessary permissions to read/write to the buckets (choose the IAM setup that suits your needs best). (example here)

  4. Create a pair of keys for the user, take note of them and download the credentials.json file. Then copy the credentials file to the root of this repository.

  5. Create a .config.s3.tfbackend file in both terraform/kind-cluster and terraform/observability directories with the following content:

    bucket = "terraform-states"
    endpoints = {
      s3 = "http://localhost:9000"
    # e.g "kind-cluster/terraform.tfstate" or "observability/terraform  tfstate"
    # but it could be any value (as long as it is unique for each state file)
    key = "<DIRECTORY_NAME>/terraform.tfstate"
    access_key = "<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>"
    secret_key = "<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>"
    region                      = "main"
    skip_credentials_validation = true
    skip_metadata_api_check     = true
    skip_region_validation      = true
    skip_requesting_account_id  = true
    use_path_style              = true

Create Cluster

The cluster IaC is in the terraform/kind-cluster directory. A dev.tfvars file is provided to set up a cluster using a pre-packaged configuration.

Run the following command to create the cluster:

# file path is relative to the terraform/kind-cluster directory
make init STACK=kind ARGS="-backend-config=.config.s3.tfbackend"
make plan STACK=kind ARGS="-var-file=dev.tfvars"
make apply STACK=kind ARGS="-var-file=dev.tfvars"

Setup Prometheus And Grafana

Once that the cluster is created, run the following command to set up Prometheus and Grafana:

make init STACK=observability ARGS="-backend-config=.config.s3.tfbackend"
make plan STACK=observability ARGS="-var-file=dev.tfvars"
make apply STACK=observability ARGS="-var-file=dev.tfvars"

Example IAM Setup

  1. Go to the MinIO console (e.g. http://localhost:9001 if you're using the default configuration).
  2. Navigate to Identity > Groups and create a group named terraform-admins by
  • Clicking on the Create Group button
  • Setting the group name to terraform-admins
  • Clicking on the Save button
  1. Set the policy for the group by
  • Clicking on the newly created group terraform-admins
  • Clicking on the Policies tab and then clicking on the Set Policies button
  • From the policies list, select consoleAdmin, diagnostics and readwrite policies, then click Save
  1. Navigate to Identity > Users and create a new user by
  • Clicking on the Create User button
  • Setting the User Name to terraform, and setting the Password to whatever you want
  • Assign the terraform-admins group in the Assing Group section
  • Clicking on the Save button
  1. From the Users page create a new pair of credentials by
  • Clicking on the newly created user terraform
  • Clicking on the Service Accounts tab of the user
  • Clicking on the Create Access Key button
  • Clicking on the Create button
  • Taking note of the Access Key and Secret Key and downloading the credentials.json file
  1. Eventually, further restrict the service account permissions by
  • Clicking on the Service Account Access Key that you want to restrict, and, for example, restrict the buckets that can be accessed by applying the following change
    // in the statements section of the policy
    "Statement": [
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Action": [
       "Resource": [
        // change the default "arn:aws:s3:::*" to the following
  • Then clicink on the Update button.