Gatsby Starter Ecommerce

Gatsby starter to create an ecommerce website with netlify and stripe. Setup and release your shop in a few minutes.



  • 100% Free: No subscriptions, just pay a fee to Stripe when you sell a product.
  • Home Page: list all your products.
  • Category Page: list products by category.
  • Product Detail Page: View products details. Define several colors and sizes for the same product
  • Cart Page: Summary of your cart before checkout.
  • Checkout Page: Powered by Stripe.
  • Scripts to create/update/delete your products in Stripe.
  • Analytics with Firebase


  • Gatsby
  • Netlify
  • Stripe
  • Firebase
  • Material UI

Getting started

  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install the packages: yarn install
  • Create a stripe account and get the API keys:
  • Create a firebase project:
  • Create the development environment and add the development keys: touch .env.development
  • Create the production environment and add the production keys: touch .env.production
  • Create your catalog in stripe: yarn catalog:create
  • Start the development server: yarn start

Use your own products

  • Update the categories at src/constants/categories.js
  • Update the colors at src/constants/colors.js
  • Update the sizes at src/constants/sizes.js
  • Update the products in the scripts/products/ folder. Use the folder structure that suits your needs. At the moment each product is defined in a different file.
  • Run yarn catalog:create to create your catalog or yarn catalog:update to update it.