
HandyNotes - Warcraft Conquest addon for Warcraft Conquest on Moon Guard-US.

Primary LanguageLua

HandyNotes Warcraft Conquest

HandyNotes - Warcraft Conquest is a plugin adding campaign information for users of the HandyNotes addon!

It adds Warcraft Conquest campaign maps for locations, NPCs, and scheduled events to maps and minimaps. Anyone attending a campaign can find events on the in-game map, camp locations with key places, events with players and dungeon masters, and changes to the world based on successes and failures.


Credits and Thanks

WConquest addon is based on the fantastic addon HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots by OrabiMoonGuard! Thank you for the great work for the RP community and your addon.


Created by Sonceri, Horde Moon Guard US - Discord Loriolio#5076, Twitter https://twitter.com/lorioliodraws GitHub https://github.com/lorikrell/hn-wconquest