
Library of graphical elements and styles for creating infographics for devdocs.

Magento DevDocs infographics library

The libraries and sample files in this repository are for use within draw.io.

Currently there is one library file (devdocs-library.xml) and one sample file (infographics-sample.xml) for you to use when creating a new graphic for a devdocs topic.


The starter link below opens draw.io with a blank canvas and loads the devdocs library for use. The sample file link opens, opens draw.io, loads the devdocs library, and opens the sample file on the canvas.

Starter diagram (blank canvas): https://www.draw.io/?splash=0&clibs=Uhttps%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fmagento-devdocs%2Finfographics-library%2Fmaster%2Fdevdocs-library.xml

Sample file: https://www.draw.io/?splash=0&clibs=Uhttps%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fmagento-devdocs%2Finfographics-library%2Fmaster%2Fdevdocs-library.xml#Hmagento-devdocs%2Finfographics-library%2Fmaster%2Finfographics-sample.xml