Mezzanine on Heroku
A quick way to deploy a Mezzanine site to Heroku. Inspired by blog posts by Ben Havilland and Josh Finnie
This is just for testing. In particular, uploaded media files may vanish because of how static files are served (see below).
Deploy to Heroku
git clone
cd mezzanine-heroku
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku run python mezzanine_heroku/ createdb
You will be prompted to specify admin credentials as well as asked about generating some default content (I answer "y" to all of these).
You will also be prompted to input a site record. Specify the hostname that Heroku assigned your app (e.g.
Run locally
The default database is Postgres. On Mac OS X, simplest thing to do is install
mkvirtualenv mezzanine_heroku
pip install -r requirements.txt
createdb mezzanine
python mezzanine_heroku/ createdb
python mezzanine_heroku/ collectstatic
gunicorn mezzanine_heroku.wsgi
Serves at http://localhost:800
On subsequent runs, you can just do gunicorn mezzanine_heroku.wsgi
It's not currently generating thumbnails of images properly.
Not currently configured for email
Static files can vanish
This serves static files from the local filesystem. This simplifies the configuration, but it means we need to check some additional static files into the repo (the static directory), and it also means that uploaded media files can vanish.
For a production deployment, use django storages and store static and media assets on a backend like S3.