
Stay connected with people who are important in your life

Primary LanguageRuby

Be In Touch

Welcome to Be In Touch, an application to support our health by improving our relationships with the people who really matter to us.

This application was built at BarCamp London's 2024 Hackathon.


Academic studies consistently show that the quality and number of our friendships have more influence on our chances of dying than other commonly considered risk factors.

Academic Robin Dunbar says: "Having no friends or not being involved in community activities will dramatically affect how long you live." Source: Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships by Robin Dunbar

This application sets out to strengthen our most important relationships with family, friends and community through:

  • reminding us to be in touch with our family and friends
  • helping us remember significant occasions, both positive and negative, in the lives of our family and friends
  • helping us remember important information about others in our community

Get Started with developing locally

  • This project uses Ruby on Rails.

Ruby version:

  • 3.1.3
  • There are various ways to install and update your ruby version. A popular ones is rvm which stands for ruby version manager, you can find more info on this and other options online.

System dependencies:

This how-to is written for MacOS, and works on intel machines. If you're successfully work on this using a different technology then please update this how-to with how you did it.

Database creation:

You'll need a postgres database in order to work locally with this repo, if you don't have postgres yet, here's a way to install it

  • brew install postgresql
  • brew services start postgresql

Once your postgres database is up and running you should be able to do the following commands to set up the database for this application.

  • bin/rails db:create
  • bin/rails db:create
  • bin/rails db:seed

Running locally

Install dependencies from the Gemfile:

  • bundle

Start the rails server:

  • bin/rails s -p 4000

Visit the site on your machine: