CG - Final Project

Loris Marsico - 438540

View the project [here] (

Code organization

  • [Animation.js] (scripts/Animation.js): contains functions to create animations.
  • [Apartment.js] (scripts/Apartment.js): contains the function for creating the structure of the house (walls and floors)
  • [FPSControl.js] (scripts/FPSControl.js): is the code used to switch between trackball system and PointerLock.
  • [Init.js] (scripts/Init.js): initializes all the variables, creates the house and takes care of the rendering.
  • [Insert_Door.js] (scripts/Insert_Door.js): create and insert all doors in the house.
  • [insert_Fixtures.js] (scripts/insert_Fixtures.js): create and insert all fixtures in the house.
  • [Insert_Internal_Light.js] (scripts/Insert_Internal_Light.js): create the internal lights of the house.
  • [Make_Doos.js] (scripts/Make_Doos.js): contains functions to create doors.
  • [Make_Fixtures.js] (scripts/Make_Fixtures.js): contains functions to create fixtures (window and balcony).
  • [Painting.js] (scripts/Painting.js): contains functions to painting the rooms.
  • [Scene.js] (scripts/Scene.js): contains the function useful for the scene.
  • [Utility.js] (scripts/Utility.js): contains the utility function for the project.
  • [Video-Audio.js] (scripts/Video-Audio.js): contains functions to load video and audio.
  • [Video-Audio_Animation.js] (scripts/Video-Audio_Animation.js): contains functions to the video-audio animations.

Features and Graphic Techniques:

  • Textures
  • Bump map and normal map
  • .obj and .obj/.mtl model files import
  • Tween animations
  • TrackBallControl
  • PointerLockControl (FirstPersonShooter mode)
  • Object-Picking
  • Particle System
  • Skybox
  • Video texture
  • Audio distance fade
  • Sound effects


  • Doors : open/close (with sound effect)
  • Windows : open/close
  • Television1: turn it on/off (with sound fade)
  • Television2: turn it on/off and changing channel with remote control (with sound fade)
  • TV remote control: Change channel (if it's on)
  • Guitar: audio on/off (with sound fade)
  • Clock: pick it to see what's the current time
  • Radio: turn it on/off and changing channel (with sound fade)
  • Internal Light: turn it on/off with sound
  • Roof: turn it visible/invisible
  • night: changes outside light and turns on the lamp posts
  • MicroWawe: rotation of pizza, light and sound effect
  • Coffe: preparing american coffee with sound effect
  • Lawn mower: movement of the mower around the house with sound effect
  • Lown mower Camera: switch camera and looks at the world from above the mower
  • Goku : unleash the fury of Goku and his whole energy
  • Repair the screen: remedy the damage done by goku