- 10
Missing ext-http extension
#72 opened by LocalHeroPro - 0
Support for ARM64
#139 opened by DjVinnii - 2
Imap Extension
#138 opened by iuriag - 1
build fails with node version issue
#130 opened by hardikdangar - 2
Set php.ini parameters
#114 opened by soymgomez - 1
Rebuilding the images with latest PHP versions
#129 opened by Urbanproof - 1
Disabling Xdebug
#128 opened by Balakir - 4
- 2
Error less: unrecognized option: X - PHP 7.4
#123 opened by ssheduardo - 3
Update to latest PHP8.1
#120 opened by Muffinman - 0
Would it be possible to update to the latest PHPCS?
#119 opened by Muffinman - 6
wkhtmltopdf issue for 7.4
#108 opened by DmitrySidorenkoShim - 8
- 1
[Vote] Chromium for dusk tests
#105 opened by nessor - 1
Latest version
#110 opened by LocalHeroPro - 1
Missing extensions?
#106 opened by Synchro - 2
Error running composer install
#102 opened by iraldoad - 8
phpcs: command not found
#100 opened by maximewex - 1
phpcs: command not found
#103 opened by mikoop79 - 2
bash: make: command not found
#101 opened by bobbyshaw - 2
bash: git: command not found
#98 opened by Taelkir - 7
Missing git after commit "Install php extension with `docker-php-extension-installer` + get rid of already installed extension"
#96 opened by RobertGres - 4
phpunit: command not found
#99 opened by ibluecode - 1
- 2
- 0
Does not work with Codecov's GitHub Action
#77 opened by Jamesking56 - 2
NPM v7.x
#73 opened by LocalHeroPro - 2
8.0.5 bug i PHP
#74 opened by LocalHeroPro - 1
Re-Enable imagick for PHP8?
#75 opened by irworks - 3
php:8.0-alpine is released
#69 opened by rezakeramati - 2
[Vote] SOAP extension
#62 opened by anx-mwutte - 3
Incompatibility with Laravel 8 schema_dump
#68 opened by Synchro - 9
Potential memory issues with 7.4
#49 opened by ragingdave - 1
Gitlab pipeline failed - iconv(): Wrong encoding
#70 opened by nsaumini - 0
Error on Gitlab CI Docker Daemon
#66 opened by Arametheus - 4
Force rebuild for composer 2
#63 opened by siegerhansma - 7
Best way for database connections
#59 opened by alexis-riot - 1
Permission Error
#58 opened by ianrussel - 4
Enable normal caching of composer installs
#46 opened by ragingdave - 0
Add tlint for checking Laravel code style
#50 opened by dakira - 0
#56 opened by pixelplant - 2
Permissions issues in recent deployments
#55 opened by paul-crashley - 4
Please update phpcs
#54 opened by Synchro - 2
Odd issue: `artisan` not foound in container
#53 opened by judgej - 8
Xdebug 2.8.0 supports PHP 7.4 🤩
#40 opened by fgilio - 1
#41 opened by intecsa - 3
does this support HTTPS - Let's Encrypt?
#48 opened by KalanaPerera - 1
add calendar extension?
#44 opened by ragingdave - 1
UploadedFile::fake() error
#43 opened by kszyrvercobrador - 1
gitlab CI copy null file .env
#42 opened by anhtuan3996