A python version of arithran's initial attempt at trying to order pizza from within vim.
I stumbeled on arithran's idea and thought it was funny so here's my take on it.
If you are always hungry, add the following to your .vimrc to bind a key like F5
nnoremap <F5> :PyPizz<CR>
Arithran always order Papa John's Pan Cheese, but this plug-in always takes me to the Pizza Hut homepage (It can be any pizza URL you visit frequently)
let g:vim_pizza_url ='https://www.papajohns.com/order/builder/productBuilderInfo?productGroupId=pan-cheese&productSKU.sku=1-296-3-83&quantity=1'
Just download the files and copy them into your ~/.vim
Do what ever you want with this.