
Features 🌈

  1. FastAPI Magic - Because speed is not just about Fast & Furious movies!
  2. PostgreSQL Integration - Store data like a pro. No more data loss nightmares!
  3. Docker Integration - Set sail with a consistent environment. Because why let tech discrepancies ruin your day?
  4. Fixes, Fixes, Fixes - All those bugs? Gone! (Well, most of them, but let's be optimistic!)

Setup & Run 🏃‍♂️

To set this baby up:

If you don't have one yet, set up a .env file with your configuration. For a basic version for local testing use:

cp dot-env-template .env

Be aware that .env is excluded from git because it contains secrets, API keys and so on. Never put your .env file into git.

Then build and start the test/debug stack with:

docker-compose up --build


  • Visit http://localhost:4000/docs for the interactive API docs (Swagger). For initial super-username and password to first authenticate see your .env file.
  • Modify your code, which is linked into the fastapi-app container and watch uvicorn auto-restart your app when changes have been made.
  • Run pytest in your container with docker exec fastapi-app bash ./ [optional parameters]
  • Visit http://localhost:5050/ for the PostgreSQL administrator. Upon first use you'll need to register your DB server using your .env file.

Contribute! 🤝

Did you find more ancient bugs lurking around? Or perhaps you unearthed a potential treasure in the form of a feature? Pull requests are more than welcome. After all, multiple minds make light work. Let's polish this backend to be more radiant than a starry night! 💫

Credits & A Bow 🎖️

A grand salute to the maestro behind the original full-stack-fastapi-postgresql. Their innovative groundwork laid the foundation, allowing this revamped symphony to come to life.

Useful commands

start app: docker exec -it fastapi-app bash

testing: pytest app/tests/crud/