Tezjs with Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.

  • We can use Bootstrap with the Tezjs through the below steps.

  • Create a fresh Tezjs project.

 npm create tez@latest
  • Install package for bootstrap.
npm install bootstrap
  • Now add Bootstrap CSS libraries to /assets/index.css file. See the below code for reference.

@import '/@/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';

  • To add bootstrap js libraries to the project create one add-lib.ts file in the root folder. Then import addScript and addLib functions from @tezjs/js library. Then pass the bootstrap js libraries to the addScript function. See the below code for reference.
import { addScript,addLib } from "@tezjs/js"

export default addLib({
  • It's done with tezjs. Now, you can use it inside your project.
  • In the current project all components and pages are designed with a bootstrap framework.
  • To know more about bootstrap refer to https://getbootstrap.com/