
a discord-based monster catching game engine, used for Lozpekamon on our Discord server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a discord-based monster catching game engine, used for Lozpekamon on our Discord server

How to Use



  • clone this repo to your computer or server
  • open command line from the root of the folder and run npm install
  • create the environment variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN and set it to your bots token (easiest way to to add it to the .env file)
  • run npm start


How to configure the game to create your own monster catching game.

Much of the game can be configured through commands, use /lozpekamon-admin-help to see a full list.

Response Texts

Various .txt files in the _text folder contain the text used for game responses. Most files have 1 option per line, and a random one is chosen.

Files starting with response- are directly used to generate message for the user, and certain keywords are replaced before sending:

  • %U - user name
  • %M - active monster name
  • %B - name of ball
  • %G - name of random gang
  • %R - synonym for "ran away" (defined in ran-away-phrases.txt)



To add a command, create a new javascript file in the ./commands folder. This file should export a config object and a execute function.

Command Config

An object (json) containing the information used to create the command.

  • name - the name of the command, that the user will type in
  • description - the description text shown to the user when selecting a command
  • type - the type of command, stored in the global ApplicationCommandType, either ChatInput, User, or Message
  • options - an array of additional inputs for your command (optional)

The options also have a type which describe what kind of data the user can submit. list of ApplicationCommandOptionTypes

module.exports.config = {
	name: 'my-command',
	description: 'what my command does',
	type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput,
	options: [
		name: 'input name',
		type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
		description: 'description of input shown to user',
		required: true 

More info: Discord API Docs - Application Command Object

Command Execute Function

A function that should be run when this command is run. Recieves interaction as the first argument.

module.exports.execute = async function (interaction) {
	await interaction.reply('you used a command! good for you!');


To add a reaction, create a new javascript file in the ./reactions folder. This file should export a config object and a execute function.

Reaction Config

An object (json) containing the information used to listen for the reaction

Reaction Execute Function

A function that should be run when this reaction is used. Recieves reaction and user as arguments.

module.exports.execute = function (reaction, user) {
	console.log('the test reaction was triggered');
  • emojiId - the discord id # for the emoji


Main goal is to rewrite the legacy code into the newer version, running on discord.js 14.

  • create new discord.js v14 bot
  • implement real discord commands
  • implement reaction system
  • transfer over all old commands
  • transfer over all old reactions
  • transfer over wild monster appeared system
  • separate functions into different files
  • separate config data, monster data and user data into separate json files

commands to add:

  • new monster command, with image upload (popup?)
  • change emoji server

future goals:

  • individual monster owning system
  • monster level up system
  • monster battle system
  • additional data storage options (database)
  • high scores list(s) with top trainers/monsters
  • economy plugin