rtc component to git repository migration tool, with Django framework
- The tool is good for changeset history collection and stream branching determine
- The tool is good for the actual migration
- The tool is good for the validation
- The tool tags rtc baselines it collected
What does it do?
- it collect changeset history for all of the streams of a component
- latest rtc client no longer has 1000 history issue, so use it
- it compares these history and determine the proper branching points
- for complicated branches, you need perform further with options --branchfurther --streamparent parent_stream_name
- it migrate the streams and forcely verify the trunk stream of its branching points and baselines, non-trunk streams optional
- it collect and generate important baselines and tag them in the git
- it creates workspace git_history_ComponentName (for changeset history collection, can be safely deleted, component level)
- it creates certain workspaces for each stream migrating
- git_verify_StreamName (verify baselines for the stream, can be deleted safely)
- git_migrate_ComponentName_StreamName (for the migration, should keep it for incremental updates)
- tool assumes:
- comoponent name does not contain space
- component name and stream name does not contains colon
- both does not contain shell escaped special characters
- baseline name and comment does not contain shell sensitive characters other than space and colon
- this intends to support only latest rtc client (that lscm show history returns unlimited items, the earlier version only return 100 or 1000) -- if your rtc is older, you need provide the history files for all streams to migrate
- SCM tools (recommend lscm for performance, tune java heap size to 4G+ if you have large amount of changesets in streams)
- python3 + Django<2 + django-mptt + docutils
- mysql + mysqlclient (optional, if your component has 10K+ changesets for performance consideration, I did 50K+ with sqlite3 though)
- use ubuntu 16.04 x64 when doing the migration, with latest scmtools (or use the docker image)
Tested on
- MacOs 10.12
- ubuntu 16.04 (best)
- RHEL 6
- Docker (easy)
1. install scmtools and login with proper account as the alias rtc
# lscm logout -r rtc
# lscm login -r https://rtc/url -u your_account -P your_password -n rtc -c (if you password is TOO SPECIAL, change it simpler)
# lscm list connections (you should see the line with something including repo/url and your_account)
# lscm help (see help information)
2. install python3
3. install python3 modules
# pip3 install "Django<2" django-mptt docutils
# pip3 install mysqlclient (optional, only if select to use mysql database)
4. fork, clone and configure the tool
- edit, you can specify your rtc information to automate login and relogin (rtc login / relogin works in shell environment, you might need change your password to make it work, confirm with cmd line test in step 1 above)
- edit, you can configure your mail function
- edit, COMPONENT_CREATORS provide information for the component creator info (by default I only figure out user name of the creator, but do not know the email, this variable provides this info, if it is not found, I will use instead)
- edit to decide using sqlite or mysql for database backend. (optional)
5. run the tool:
./ --component component_name --streambase your_trunk_stream_for_the_component [--infoinit | --infoshow | --infoupdate | --inforeport | --migrate | --infoverify] [other options]
(run only once, you should keep using fake component like 'init' and fake streambase like 'init_trunk')- retrieve all of your project areas
- retrieve their related streams
- retrieve components for each stream
- usually you only need to do this once, result will be saved as rtc/fixtures/infoinit.json and will be loaded when you process other components
- you only need to update this when you add/remove streams or modified components in streams
--infoshow [--streams[id1,id2,]] [--writehistory]
- list streams with their ids that you can specify in options like --streams
- --streams [id1,id2,]
- show informations to a subset of streams
- --writehistory
- write changeset history of streams
- list all of the baselines for the component
- for each stream containing the component, do the following with streambase the first one to process
- list and create tree of changeset for the stream
- list baselines with the corresponding changesets associated
- determine branching point against streambase (you may need to do further compare for branches with common branching point on trunk, with --branchfurther --streamparent ParentStreamName)
- you can pickup new delivered changesets with --incremental
- you can do a lightweight analysis to determine branching information with --shortcut_analyze
--inforeport [--withbaselines] [--withchangesets] [--streams [id1,id2,]] [--levelrange]
- report rtc information and component specific numbers
- --withchangesets show changeset information on branching points and ending points
- --withbaselines show baseline information, help
- --streams [id1,id2,...] limit the streams to show in the report if you have too many or you only interest in some of them
- --levelrange [0,1000] --levelinterval 10 used when --withchangesets
- report rtc information and component specific numbers
--migrate [--allstreams] [--streams [id1,id2]] [--withvalidation]
- migrate only the trunk with --migrate only
- you can migrate any streams using --streams [stream_id, stream_id2]
- you can try to migrate all streams with --allstreams
- you can use --incremental to pickup recently delivered changesets (collected already by --infoupdate --incremental)
- you can use --withvalidation to do baseline and branching point validations while migrating
--infoverify [--withbranchingpoints ] [--streams [id1,id2] | --allstreams]
- verify baseline in stream of the trunk by default
- specify --allstreams to validate all of the streams migrated
- with --streams [id1,id2] to validate specified streams
- with --withbranchingpoints to also validate the branching points if there is and not valided yet
1 ./ --component init --streambase init_trunk --infoinit (only once)
- this generate rtc/fixtures/infoinit.json which will be loaded for each component you are going to migrate
2 ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoupdate
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoupdate --branchfuther --streamparent yarn_IOP_working
-. if all of you streams are directly cut from trunk, this step is not necessary -. if your branching if complicated, you would spend quite some time in this step
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoupdate --incremental --streams [200]
-. perform an update of stream with id 200, this will pickup any new baselines and changesets since last --infoupdate
3 ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --inforeport
# ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --inforeport --withbaselines
# ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --inforeport --withchangesets
# ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --inforeport --withbaselines --withchangesets --streams [3,5,7]
4. ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate (this migrate the trunk stream)
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate --streams [200]
-. migrate a single stream whose id is 200
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate --allstreams
-. tries to migrate all streams. If your stream relationship is complicated, you might need to run multiple times
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate --incremental
-. perform an updated migration of trunk stream to git
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate --incremental --streams [200]
-. perform an updated migration of stream with id 200 to git
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate --withvalidation --allstreams
-. perform the migration with validatoins of all streams
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --migrate --tagbaselines
-. create git tags corresponding rtc baselines (of those validated)
5 ./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoverify (this verifies the trunk stream's baselines)
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoverify --streams [id1,id2]
-. this verifies streams specified
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoverify --allstreams
-. this verifies all streams
./ --component yarn --streambase yarn_trunk --infoverify --withbranchingpoints
-. this verifies the branching points of a stream, you can specify streams to verify against