Cloudinary upload demo (minimal)

This shows an upload demo with Express.js

Before starting the app:

Make sure you are signed up to Cloudinary.

Copy the .env.sample file and create a .env file from it. Replace the sample cloudinary URL with YOUR cloudinary URL from the cloudinary dashboard after login to cloudinary.

Start the App

npm install
npm run dev

Test the upload

In Browser open: http://localhost:5000/upload

Click button "Pick file".

Choose an image or video file from your filesystem and click upload button. (Important: in case you upload a video the file must be less that 10MB)

If cloudinary ENV is setup correctly, you should get a success JSON response with the URL to the uploaded file and some other info.

Click the URL and check if your file is stored in cloudinary.

In case it is a video the video should directly play in the browser.
