This demo shows a 3D scene with character movement and a camera following the player from behind (=third person camera)
- React
- React Three Fiber (for 3D scene & 3D object creation)
Robot Model used from three js examples repo:
- Basic 3D scene with a ground
- Load 3D character model into the scene (recommended format: gltf / glb)
- Place simple shape item in scene (torus ring)
- Place lighting source and let objects throw / cast shadows on the ground
- Allow keyboard input from user to control character
- Rotate character on left / right keys
- Move character forward / backward on arrow up / down keys
- Play running animation when holding shift key together with up/down key
- Play jump animation when holding space key
- Animations
- Implement player animations: idle, walk, running
- Out of scene bounds check: Play death animation
- Third Person Camera Follow of player movement
- Collision Check
- determine collision between player model object & torus ring
- apply Bounding boxes for collision detection
- on collision: play robot "recharge" animation
- on collision: remove Torus ring from scene
- Add more models into the scene which player can not walk through (=rigid body objects)
- Add Scene Background with Images Cube (=Skybox / Environment Map)
- Expand light area (=camera frustum) so that shadows are casted on the whole scene and are not cut off at bounds of scene