
Demonstrate your experience, skills, and aptitude by building a prototype of the web’s most minimal referral automation software

Primary LanguagePython

My submission

This is for the "back-end track" solution. I chose Python 3, the latest version of Django and DRF, and psycopg2 and gunicorn for running the app on Heroku.

I chose to implement the links & click tracking using Link and Click models (see models.py). Each new click is recorded as a separate row in the clicks table, storing the user's IP address and potentially other request metadata in the future. This will scale better than trying to keep a counter on a single row in the links table (which introduces write lock contention for that one row). To scale beyond this you could use a distributed or sharded counter (if counts need to be close to real-time), or use an event logging model where counts are calculated periodically using an ETL process.

The REST and user-facing views (see views.py) are pretty straightforward, the only tricky part was writing custom SQL to pull in the counts and a custom serializer to render them in the REST API.

I wrote a test suite covering three areas: the model layer, the REST views, and the user-facing views.

How to run and test the Django application locally (with some example output):

# Initial setup
$ python3 -mvenv env
$ env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd tracker
$ ../env/bin/python manage.py migrate
$ ../env/bin/python manage.py createsuperuser --email admin@example.com --username admin
$ ../env/bin/python manage.py runserver
Starting development server at

# Making requests to the REST API:
$ curl -s -d'{"title": "wolverines", "url": ""}' -H "Content-type: application/json"
$ curl -s

# Running tests:
$ ../env/bin/python manage.py test
Ran 11 tests in 0.217s


The app is running on Heroku here:

Original README is here: