
CLI app to get the weather

Primary LanguageRust


uWthr is a tiny CLI app to get the current weather. It was main to be small, quick, and to the point. Weather APIs are somewhat limited, this app uses openweathermap as it is free.


Fetch the weather at your current location


Weather: Denver, US
               few clouds
     .__.      88°f - feels like 81°f
  ._(    ).    H/L - 90°f / 85°f
 (___.__)__)   Wind - 5mph
               Humidity - 11%

Fetch the weather at a location by string. More detailed searches or searches with spaces must be included in quotation marks. Quotation mark format is city,state,country for usa and city,country for global.

examples - copenhagen - "los angeles" - "austin,tx,usa"

uwthr copenhagen

Weather: Copenhagen, DK
     .__.      light rain
  ._(    ).    61°f - feels like 56°f
 (___.__)__)   H/L - 61°f / 60°f
   ʻ  ʻ  ʻ     Wind - 14mph
    ʻ  ʻ       Humidity - 93%

Fetch the weather at a location by zip code. (USA only) Supply a 6 digit zip code. Keep in mind that Openweathermap uses its own zip code mapping.

uwthr 90001

Weather: Los Angeles, US
    \   /      clear sky
     .-.       72°f - feels like 71°f
  ~ (   ) ~    H/L - 80°f / 69°f
     `-᾿       Wind - 6mph
    /   \      Humidity - 60%

Include the -c or -k flags to set the units.


To use uwthr, you need an openweathermap api code. You can create a free account. To set the api code use the following command.

uwthr -set apicode


requires rust

git clone git@gitlab.com:lostVkng/uwthr.git
cargo build --release

Copy the compiled binary (in the target directory) to your preferred location. Ex: /usr/local/bin Add to path if needed.

