
A curated list of awesome free VPNs and proxies.免费的代理,科学上网,翻墙大集合


Fight for Free

We are born to be free

Negibox is recommanded as a download tool

Windows Proxy

Psiphon Psiphon3

Lantern Windows XP SP3+ Github Amazon S3

Firefly Github installer Github portable

Chrome browser with VPN Github

Firefox browser with VPN Github Tor browser Choopa Japan

MacOS Proxy

Lantern 10.7+ Github Amazon S3

Firefly Github Github

Android Proxy

Lantern Android 4.1+ Github Amazon S3 Google Play

Psiphon Psiphon3 Google Play

Firefly Android 4.0.3+ Github Google Play

Free Browser Github

Xndroid Github

iOS Proxy

Psiphon US App Store Psiphon browser US App Store

Firefly CN App Store US App Store

Ubuntu/Debian Proxy

lantern 32bit Github 64bit Github

Firefly 64bit Github installer Github portable