Kotlin Serverless (API) Framework


Kotlin Serverless (API) Framework helps to rapidly build and deploy a serverless API Make minor changes in order to simply add your new endpoint Easily deploy locally or to production via a simple script Deploy process also runs all tests

Tech stack:

  • Serverless, Kotlin, Spek. Todo:
  • postgres (auroraserverless), circleci


  1. Install it using npm:
git clone git@github.com:thejnaut1/ncnt.git
cd ncnt/kotlin/kotlin-serverless
npm install serverless -g
npm init -f
npm install
  1. Create your project in serverless.com

  2. To configure your AWS credentials execute serverless config credentials --provider aws --key EXAMPLE --secret EXAMPLEKEY

  3. mvn clean install

  4. ./start.sh


Since this is a template/framework, you are expected to fork. In order to add new api endpoint (To non existing object class)

  • Add a folder under /src/main/{object_name} and add under it (models, services)
  • Add your appropriate model under models, similar to User.kt
  • Update the RequestDispatcher.locate (when statement) if you are adding a new service/model
  • Add {object_name}Service.kt (This will have your new functionality)
  • If you are adding a new non standard CRUD endpoint, simply add it as a method {method_name}
  • Edit serverless.yml
    handler: kotlinserverless.framework.Handler
      - http:
          path: /{object_name}/{method_name}
          method: get #get/post/etc
  • Edit /src/main/resources/routes.yml
# =========================
  # {object_name} Microservice
  # =========================
  - regex: '^/{object_name}(/*[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?'
    cls: kotlinserverless.main.{object_name}s.controllers.{Object_name}Controller
    func: execute
  • Add appropriate Unit test to /main/test/unit
  • test via
mvn clean test

if you wish to make changes to an existing object, simply:

  • add new function to the appropriate service
  • add new unit test
  • update the serverless.yml


  • Locally
   ./start.sh local
  • Production
   ./start.sh production


Feel free to create merge requests