Jiralfred - Alfred Workflow for go-jira/jira





  1. Download the workflow from the latest release, and open the file.
  2. Run jirasetup command and enter Jira subdomain and your email.
  3. Create Jira API token from https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens.
  4. Register the token by jiratoken {token} .


Issue Operations

User jiraf keyword and enter an issue, ex. PROJ-1, followed by supported command.

Current supports:

  • labels add
  • label remove
  • move - alias of transition
  • transitions - list all possible transition state
  • browse - open an issue on the web browser

Bulk Transition

User jirabt keyword and enter issues divided by space, ex. PROJ-1 PROJ-2, followed by state.