
an useful vim plugin: select text in v mode, then press n to search next one (N for prev one)

Primary LanguageVim Script

Select & Search

select text in v mode, then press n to search next one (N for prev one)

you can also find this plugin in www.vim.org here.

Install & Configuration:

Install by Vundle:

  • Bundle 'luochen1990/select-and-search'
  • add this to your vimrc: let g:select_and_search_active = 1


  • first, put rainbow.vim(this file) to dir ~/.vim/plugin or vimfiles/plugin
  • second, add the follow sentences to your .vimrc or _vimrc :
     let g:select_and_search_active = 1
  • third, restart your vim and enjoy coding.

**Rate this script if you like it, and i'll appreciate it and improve this plugin for you because of your support !