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🔑 easier php ssh 🔑

🔥 Introduction :


📌 Requirements :

  • SSH2 extension
  • PHP 7.2 or newer versions
  • PHPUnit >= 8 (for testing purpose)

🚀 Installation & Use :

composer require lotfio/pssh

✏️ SSH:


// basic usage example

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = [
    'host'    => 'my-host',
    'auth'    =>  new Pssh\Auth\AuthUserPass('lotfio', 'secret')

$ssh  = new Pssh\Pssh($config);
echo $ssh->exec("date");  // Sat Nov 14 08:10:20 PM CET 2020

⚙️ confguration:

  • config keys
  // additional details
  $config = [
    'host'      => 'server host',
    'port'      => 'server port || default 22',
    'auth'      => 'authentication method: AuthUserPass, AuthKeys, AuthHostBasedFile, AuthAgent or AuthNone.',
    'timeout'   => 'timeout when trying to connect',
    'methods'   => 'connection method checkout ssh2_connect form more details'
    'callbacks' => 'connection callbacks checkout ssh2_connect form more details'
  • available SSH methods:
    • $ssh->exec(string $command): string execute a shell command.
    • $ssh->fingerprint(int $type): string get connection finger print.
    • $ssh->methodsNegotiated(): array return an array of negotiated methods.
    • $ssh->addPublicKey(): bool add a public key.
    • $ssh->removePublicKey(): bool remove public key.
    • $ssh->listPublicKeys(): array list public keys.
    • $ssh->tunnel(): resource open an ssh tunnel.

✏️ SFTP:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = [
    'host'    => 'my-host',
    'auth'    =>  new Pssh\Auth\AuthUserPass('lotfio', 'secret')

$ssh  = new Pssh\Pssh($config);
$sftp = new Pssh\Psftp($ssh);

$sftp->copyToServer('local-file', 'remote-file');
  • available SSH methods:
  • $sftp->copyToServer(): bool copy a file from local to remote server.
  • $sftp->copyFromServer(): bool copy a file from remote server to local.
  • $sftp->chmod(): bool change mod file or dir.
  • $sftp->mkdir(): bool make directory.
  • $sftp->rmdir(): bool remove directory.
  • $sftp->symlink(): bool create a symlink.
  • $sftp->symlinkTarget(): string read symlink target.
  • $sftp->symlinkStat(): array stating a symlink.
  • $sftp->realpath(): string get realpath.
  • $sftp->rename(): bool rename file.
  • $sftp->stat(): array get file stat.
  • $sftp->unlink(): bool delete file.

💻 Contributing

  • Thank you for considering to contribute to Package. All the contribution guidelines are mentioned here.

📃 ChangeLog

🍺 Support the development

  • Share Package and lets get more stars and more contributors.
  • If this project helped you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :) : Paypal. 💖

📋 License

  • Package is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.