Grade Classmates

The authors:

  • Lotfullin Kamil @lotfull
  • Gavrikov Alexey @gavr97
  • Alexandrov Nikita @nialeksandrov  

Link to ER chart:


    python3 runserver

  • Then welcome to

Open as a student:

  • Select Student Login          Login: Vladimir     Password: Vladimir      Open as admin:
  • Select Admin Login

    Login: admin     Password: admin  

Subject Area Description:

GradeHim is a corporate appraisal system deployed with the example of a university.

The problem that the project solves is the lack of constant objective feedback between teachers and students, a student and a student.   A web application that allows students to rate a teacher or friend after lectures, seminars and other meetings. Using the application, a user at a certain meeting will be able to identify and evaluate the individual qualities of another participant to whom he wants to give feedback. At any time, each participant in the meeting can see what ratings other participants put, this will ensure objectivity of feedback, because seeing the ratings different from his opinion, the user will doubt the correctness of his assessment. Consistency of feedback will be ensured by using this system at each meeting.


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