
🤖 Django library to easily manage robots.txt

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Our internal utility to easily have robots.txt both for development and production


pip install djrobots


Include djrobots urls to your URLconf and your're done!

(r'^robots\.txt$', include('djrobots.urls')),

and add djrobots to your INSTALLED_APPS.

If you want to disable all in your website, use in your settings



If you want to specify the sitemap urls in your robots.txt, provide the view name in the settings

DJROBOTS_SITEMAPS = 'sitemap-root'

DJROBOTS_SITEMAPS is a special setting, you can use an array to specify more sitemaps in your robots.txt

DJROBOTS_SITEMAPS = ['sitemap-root', 'department-sitemap']

or you can mix view names with raw urls

DJROBOTS_SITEMAPS = ['sitemap-root', 'department-sitemap', '/my-sitemap-index.xml']


By default djrobots provides a robots.txt template for production and a robots-debug.txt for development with a default configuration used internally at Lotrek.

If you want to specify more directives you can extend default templates, robots.txt and robots-debug.txt

{% extends "djrobots/base-robots.txt" %}
{% block content %}
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: {% url 'documents' %}

Host: example.com

{% endblock %}

Run tests

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ make test