
=>DEVELOPMENT OF THIS REPO HAS MIGRATED TO SOURCEHUT!<= Collection of Cobbled Together Powershell Functions for GUI Messages and User Input

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

License Language


A small collection of cobbled together Powershell functions for GUI messages and user input.

Purpose and Background

I just needed a simple and easy way to display information, warnings, get input, select a file or directory, or ask a simple response question in a GUI format for my Powershell scripts. Sure there are many great modules I could use that are much more sophisticated, but I just found it fun to make my own and only needed some basic options. That's why I pieced together PSGUIFunction's examples for input and dialog boxes. Hopefully, you can get some use from them too.

The message boxes available are:

  • Information
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Question
  • Yes/No
  • Ok/Cancel
  • Retry/Cancel
  • Abort/Retry/Ignore

The input boxes available are:

  • String/Integer Input Box (returns a string or integer if entered)
  • Listbox Input (returns the selection(s) from a given array)

The dialog boxes available are:

  • Select Filename (returns full path to file selected)
  • Save As Filename (returns full path to file and name for saving)
  • Select Directory (returns full path to directory selected)

alt text


  • Windows Powershell 5.1 and/or Powershell Core 7

Tested with Windows 10 x64 Version 21H2


No install required. Just copy and paste the examples from within the PSGUIFunctions.ps1 file directly into your own script and modify as needed.

Downloading PSGUIFunctions.ps1 using cURL:

curl -o PSGUIFunctions.ps1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lotspaih/PSGUIFunctions/master/PSGUIFunctions.ps1

Example Use

Copy and paste the function examples from within the PSGUIFunctions.ps1 file directly into your own script and call the function passing the required or optional arguments:

function Select-Folder {
     Opens a folder selection dialog and returns full path to the folder.

     $selectedFolder = Select-Folder
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $FolderSelect = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $null = $FolderSelect.ShowDialog()
    $SelectedFolder = $FolderSelect.SelectedPath
    return $SelectedFolder

$selectedFolder = Select-Folder  # Returns the full path to the selected folder assigning it to the $selectedFolder variable


If you want to contribute new functions or improve the exisiting ones, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. And thanks for your time and help!


MIT License for PSGUIFunctions