
A collection of Jira command line tool(s) written in Swift for macOS.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Jira tools

This repo will contain a collection of tiny useful tools for Jira and CI. As of 2016-08-18 it consists of only one tool, jiraupdater.

Jira Updater Tool


A macOS command line program to change the status of JIRA ticket(s) (and optionally post a comment to the ticket).


I created this to use it in our CI Environment. And also, possibly in the future, use the included Framework in future Jira related tools and features.

How To use this?
 jiraupdater help
Available commands:

   changelog   Update Jira tickets from a Changelog file. Default filename 'CHANGELOG'
   comment     Comment on a Jira Ticket
   help        Display general or command-specific help
   update      Update a Jira Ticket
   version     Display the current version of JiraUpdater


 jiraupdater help update
Update a Jira Ticket

[--endpoint (string)]
	the JIRA API EndPoint URL ie http://jira.example.com/

[--username (string)]
	the username to authenticate with

[--password (string)]
	the password to authenticate with

[--transitionname (string)]
	the Jira Transition to apply ie 'QA Ready'

[--issueids (string)]
	comma delim'd issue list. Atleast one is required.

[--comment (string)]
	the comment to post to the issue. Optional.
jiraupdater update --endpoint "http://localhost:2990/jira" --username mysecretusername --password mysecretpassword  --issueid TP1-1 --transitionname "QA Ready"


jiraupdater update --endpoint "http://localhost:2990/jira" --username mysecretusername --password mysecretpassword  --issueids TP1-1 --transitionname "QA Ready" --comment "This is available in v1.0 build #30 2016-06-16"


jiraupdater comment --endpoint "http://localhost:2990/jira" --username mysecretusername --password mysecretpassword  --issueids TP1-1 --comment "Bugs Bunny is funny."


jiraupdater comment --endpoint "http://localhost:2990/jira" --username mysecretusername --password mysecretpassword  --issueids TP1-1,TP=2 --comment "Ready for QA in v2.1 build #10"

Or if you'd like it to parse a changelog: (see ChangelogKit and ChangelogParser)

$ jiraupdater help changelog
Update Jira tickets from a Changelog

[--endpoint (string)]
	the JIRA API EndPoint URL ie http://jira.example.com/

[--username (string)]
	the username to authenticate with

[--password (string)]
	the password to authenticate with

[--transitionname (string)]
	the Jira Transition to apply ie 'QA Ready'

[--comment (string)]
	the templated ({VERSION}, {BUILDNUMBER}) comment to post to the issue. Optional.

[--file (string)]
	The absolute path of the changelog file to use.


jiraupdater changelog --endpoint "http://localhost:2990/jira" --username mysecretusername --password mysecretpassword  --file CHANGELOG --comment "Ready for QA in v2.1 build #10"

or, since we default to a filename of CHANGELOG (note it's case specific depending on your file system choices):

jiraupdater changelog --endpoint "http://localhost:2990/jira" --username mysecretusername --password mysecretpassword --comment "Ready for QA in v2.1 build #10"

or if you're providing Jira Endpoint information via environment variables:

jiraupdater changelog --comment "Ready for QA in v2.1 build #10"

or, at it's most simplest let it build the comment text for you based on the version/build information in the CHANGELOG file:

jiraupdater changelog

As a convenience (ie you'd like to use this in a CI setup, etc), you can alternatively provide the URL, username and password via environment variables:

export JIRAUPDATER_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:2990/jira
export JIRAUPDATER_USERNAME=yourusername
export JIRAUPDATER_PASSWORD=yourpassword
Things to note
  • Basic Authentication must be enabled on your JIRA installation.
  • Some JIRA setups (can) prevent posting a comment when transitioning ('Updating' in jiraupdatetool-speak) an issue from one Workflow status to another. And it won't necessarily return an error in this configuration when attempted. If your Jira setup is like this, either:
  1. consider changing the setup, or
  2. don't use --comment with update. Instead post the comment with comment command alone.

As of version 0.3.4, we have tested this against Jira versions up to 1000.552.6 build number 100018 build revision e2f2197b6871d3361a4e256e981b8b6c4e00960b (you can view that information in your cloud host with this URL https://example.atlassian.net/secure/admin/ViewSystemInfo.jspa.

Trial Jira Instance
The new Cloud way

Jira will now create a development instance for you in the cloud. I highly recommend this method: Jira Cloud Development Environment Information.

The old local way

If you would like to try this but are hesitant to run it against your production JIRA instance, you can run a local development instance of Jira fairly easily. Follow the directions in the JiraLottadotTools project.


Get started - Installation

You have a number of choices for installation (we recommend the homebrew method):

From Source into /usr/local/bin
git clone https://github.com/lottadot/jiratools.git
cd jiratools
make prefix_install
From a package into /usr/local/bin
git clone https://github.com/lottadot/jiratools.git
cd jiratools
make install
Homebrew Tap
brew tap lottadot/homebrew-formulae
brew install jiratools


JiraUpdateTool is released under the MIT License.


(c) 2016 Lottadot LLC. All Rights Reserved.