
🛡 A tRPC tool to ease the creation of permission layer.

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tRPC Shield

tRPC permissions as another layer of abstraction!s!
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Table of Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Supported tRPC Versions
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Documentation
  6. Contributors
  7. Contributing
  8. Acknowledgments


tRPC Shield helps you create a permission layer for your application. Using an intuitive rule-API, you'll gain the power of the shield engine on every request. This way you can make sure no internal data will be exposed.

Supported tRPC Versions

tRPC 10

  • 0.2.0 and higher

tRPC 9

  • 0.1.2 and lower


Using npm

npm install trpc-shield

Using yarn

yarn add trpc-shield


  • Don't forget to star this repo 😉
import * as trpc from '@trpc/server';
import { rule, shield, and, or, not } from 'trpc-shield';
import { Context } from '../../src/context';

// Rules

const isAuthenticated = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => {
  return ctx.user !== null

const isAdmin = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => {
  return ctx.user.role === 'admin'

const isEditor = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => {
  return ctx.user.role === 'editor'

// Permissions

const permissions = shield<Context>({
  query: {
    frontPage: not(isAuthenticated),
    fruits: and(isAuthenticated, or(isAdmin, isEditor)),
    customers: and(isAuthenticated, isAdmin),
  mutation: {
    addFruitToBasket: isAuthenticated,

export const t = trpc.initTRPC.context<Context>().create();

export const permissionsMiddleware = t.middleware(permissions);

export const shieldedProcedure = t.procedure.use(permissionsMiddleware);

For a fully working example, go here.


Namespaced routers

export const permissions = shield<Context>({
  user: {
    query: {
      aggregateUser: allow,
      findFirstUser: allow,
      findManyUser: isAuthenticated,
      findUniqueUser: allow,
      groupByUser: allow,
    mutation: {
      createOneUser: isAuthenticated,
      deleteManyUser: allow,
      deleteOneUser: allow,
      updateManyUser: allow,
      updateOneUser: allow,
      upsertOneUser: allow,


shield(rules?, options?)

Generates tRPC Middleware layer from your rules.


All rules must be created using the rule function.

  • All rules must have a distinct name. Usually, you won't have to care about this as all names are by default automatically generated to prevent such problems. In case your function needs additional variables from other parts of the code and is defined as a function, you'll set a specific name to your rule to avoid name generation.
// Normal
const admin = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => true)

// With external data
const admin = (bool) => rule<Context>(`name-${bool}`)(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => bool)


Property Required Default Description
allowExternalErrors false false Toggle catching internal errors.
debug false false Toggle debug mode.
fallbackRule false allow The default rule for every "rule-undefined" field.
fallbackError false Error('Not Authorised!') Error Permission system fallbacks to.

By default shield ensures no internal data is exposed to client if it was not meant to be. Therefore, all thrown errors during execution resolve in Not Authorised! error message if not otherwise specified using error wrapper. This can be turned off by setting allowExternalErrors option to true.

Basic rules

allow, deny are tRPC Shield predefined rules.

allow and deny rules do exactly what their names describe.

Logic Rules

and, or, not, chain, race

and, or and not allow you to nest rules in logic operations.

and rule

and rule allows access only if all sub rules used return true.

chain rule

chain rule allows you to chain the rules, meaning that rules won't be executed all at once, but one by one until one fails or all pass.

The left-most rule is executed first.

or rule

or rule allows access if at least one sub rule returns true and no rule throws an error.

race rule

race rule allows you to chain the rules so that execution stops once one of them returns true.


not works as usual not in code works.

You may also add a custom error message as the second parameter not(rule, error).

import { shield, rule, and, or } from 'trpc-shield'

const isAdmin = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => {
  return ctx.user.role === 'admin'

const isEditor = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => {
  return ctx.user.role === 'editor'

const isOwner = rule<Context>()(async (ctx, type, path, input, rawInput) => {
  return ctx.user.items.some((id) => id === parent.id)

const permissions = shield<Context>({
  query: {
    users: or(isAdmin, isEditor),
  mutation: {
    createBlogPost: or(isAdmin, and(isOwner, isEditor)),

Global Fallback Error

tRPC Shield allows you to set a globally defined fallback error that is used instead of Not Authorised! default response. This might be particularly useful for localization. You can use string or even custom Error to define it.

const permissions = shield<Context>(
    query: {
      items: allow,
    fallbackError: 'To je napaka!', // meaning "This is a mistake" in Slovene.

const permissions = shield<Context>(
    query: {
      items: allow,
    fallbackError: new CustomError('You are something special!'),

Whitelisting vs Blacklisting

Shield allows you to lock-in access. This way, you can seamlessly develop and publish your work without worrying about exposing your data. To lock in your service simply set fallbackRule to deny like this;

const permissions = shield<Context>(
    query: {
      users: allow,
  { fallbackRule: deny },


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


We are always looking for people to help us grow trpc-shield! If you have an issue, feature request, or pull request, let us know!


A huge thank you goes to everybody who worked on Graphql Shield, as this project is based on it.

Also thanks goes to flaticon, for use of one of their icons in the logo: Shield icons created by Freepik - Flaticon