
HttpRunner 是简单易用、功能强大、数据精准的一站式 API 测试解决方案,覆盖接口测试、性能测试、数字体验监测等。

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HttpRunner aims to be a one-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing, covering API testing, load testing and digital experience monitoring (DEM).


HttpRunner 用户调研问卷 持续收集中,我们将基于用户反馈动态调整产品特性和需求优先级。

Key Features

flow chart

API Testing

  • Full support for HTTP(S)/1.1 requests.
  • Support more protocols, HTTP/2, WebSocket, TCP, RPC etc.
  • Testcases can be described in multiple formats, YAML/JSON/Golang, and they are interchangeable.
  • Use Charles/Fiddler/Chrome/etc to record HTTP requests and generate testcases from exported HAR.
  • Supports variables/extract/validate/hooks mechanisms to create extremely complex test scenarios.
  • Data driven with parameterize mechanism, supporting sequential/random/unique strategies to select data.
  • Built-in 100+ commonly used functions for ease, including md5sum, max/min, sleep, gen_random_string etc.
  • Create and call custom functions with plugin mechanism, support hashicorp plugin and go plugin.
  • Generate html reports with rich test results.
  • Using it as a CLI tool or a library are both supported.

Load Testing

Base on the API testing testcases, you can run professional load testing without extra work.

  • Inherit all powerful features of locust and boomer.
  • Report performance metrics to prometheus pushgateway.
  • Use transaction to define a set of end-user actions that represent the real user activities.
  • Use rendezvous points to force Vusers to perform tasks concurrently during test execution.
  • Load testing with specified concurrent users or constant RPS, also supports spawn rate.
  • Support mixed-scenario testing with custom weight.
  • Simulate browser's HTTP parallel connections.
  • IP spoofing.
  • Run in distributed mode to generate unlimited RPS.

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

You can also monitor online services for digital experience assessments.

  • HTTP(S) latency statistics including DNSLookup, TCP connections, SSL handshakes, content transfers, etc.
  • ping indicators including latency, throughput and packets loss.
  • traceroute
  • DNS monitoring


Thank you to all our sponsors! ✨🍰✨ (become a sponsor)

金牌赞助商(Gold Sponsor)


霍格沃兹测试开发学社是业界领先的测试开发技术高端教育品牌,隶属于测吧(北京)科技有限公司 。学院课程由一线大厂测试经理与资深测试开发专家参与研发,实战驱动。课程涵盖 web/app 自动化测试、接口测试、性能测试、安全测试、持续集成/持续交付/DevOps,测试左移&右移、精准测试、测试平台开发、测试管理等内容,帮助测试工程师实现测试开发技术转型。通过优秀的学社制度(奖学金、内推返学费、行业竞赛等多种方式)来实现学员、学社及用人企业的三方共赢。


开源服务赞助商(Open Source Sponsor)


HttpRunner is in Sentry Sponsored plan.


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