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Project AI❤dol Public English Dataset

Due to a severe lack of publicly available English SVS data sung by a female singer, I have decided to publish my own corpus. This is a selection of the full dataset; only English songs have been included, and only the very best singing data has been selected. Only the default Arpabet phonemes have been used for the labels. The voice provider is not a native English speaker, however the pronunciation should be good enough. She is also not a professional singer, however the singing should be of passable quality nonetheless.

Total duration of data: 1 hour and 45 minutes.

General Terms of Use

  • Please refer to the LICENSE for more information before using this dataset.
  • Please give proper attribution to Lotte V (or @lottev1991) as the creator of this dataset (see LICENSE).
  • You are allowed to use this dataset for research purposes.
  • You are allowed to release customized labels for this dataset without prior permission, as long as proper attribution is given.
  • You are allowed to use the labels for your own singing data; please keep in mind that you might need to manually adjust them. Please make sure that proper attribution is given.
  • You are allowed to use this dataset for pitch training for your own SVS model, as long as proper attribution is given.
  • This dataset is intended for parallel training only; no public models containing this voice are allowed to be released.
  • Please do not use this dataset with voice changers, such as RVC etc.
  • Please do not use this dataset for any commercial projects (see LICENSE).
  • Please do not use this dataset for any illegal purposes.
  • Please do not use this dataset for training unauthorized vocals (such as celebrity voices, etc).